Q1. Tell me about yourself and the qualities you can bring to the UN?

Sample Answer:
I first became aware of the great work carried out by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) when I was younger and being someone who feels passionately about the values and ethics you abide by, the passion, skills and experiences I possess are a natural fit for this role. Prior to applying, I considered carefully the UN mission and vision statements, and more importantly, the competencies needed to perform this role to the right levels. My experiences to date include, always acting with professionalism and integrity, being able to work effectively as a wider team, having a ‘can-do’ and persistent approach to all tasks, being able to communicate strongly with clients and stakeholders and also planning and organizing my work effectively. I strongly believe that, if I am successful in my ambition to working for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) in this role, I will be able to contribute positively to the team and the organization to help you continually work towards achieving your objectives.

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