Young Associate 2020-22 – Science, Technology and Innovation Policy [STI], Paris, France 494 views

The OECD is a global economic forum working with 36 Member countries and more than 100 emerging and developing economies to make better policies for better lives. Our mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. The Organisation provides a unique forum in which governments work together to share experiences on what drives economic, social and environmental change, seeking solutions to common problems.

The Science, Technology and Innovation Directorate (STI), in line with the strategic objectives of the Secretary-General, helps OECD member countries and other key economies build an environment conducive to translating science, technology and knowledge into innovation in order to create economic and social value added.

Within STI, the Directors’ Office plays a pivotal role in setting the Directorate’s strategy and forward programme of work; providing leadership in the management and coordination of STI’s wide span of activities, especially on strategic work streams (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, digital transformation, productivity); liaising with the Office of the Secretary-General (OSG), the G20/G7 Sherpa Office and Global Relations Secretariat (GRS); and communicating STI’s work to policy makers and stakeholders at the highest levels.


The Young Associate in the STI Directors’ Office will report to the Senior Counsellor. (S)he will work on requests from OSG and GRS, preparing draft materials, and liaising with STI’s senior management team, analytical staff and colleagues from other OECD directors’ offices. This work, alongside support provided to STI’s management on strategic work streams, would expose the Young Associate to policy development in a number of key areas of global interest, from business dynamics to the digital economy, innovation for social challenges and excess capacity in heavy industries.

Main Responsibilities

  • Draft responses to requests from OSG, including briefings, speeches, policy brochures and background materials on STI’s analytical work, and to requests from the GRS with respect to STI%27s activities with non-Member countries.
  • Provide support to the STI Directors and Senior Counsellor in the oversight of STI’s work on strategic work streams and undertake background research as required.
  • Contribute to initiatives to disseminate STI’s work, including through preparation of STI policy briefs and working with analysts to prepare policy-focused communications material.
  • Maintain links with OSG, GRS and OECD’s Legal Directorate, and ensure co-operation with other Directorates.

Ideal Candidate Profile

Academic Background

  • Undergraduate degree in one of the following disciplines: economics, innovation and technology, law, public policy.
  • Coursework in economics required; coursework in science, technology and innovation topics preferred.


  • Ability to carry out research and distill complex economic analysis into policy-focused messages for different audiences.
  • Ability to work to tight deadlines and to work on different projects with varying timelines.
  • Knowledge of substantive policy issues under the remit of STI would be an advantage.


  • Fluency in one of the two OECD official languages (English and French) and knowledge of the other, with a commitment to reach a good working level.

Core competencies

  • For this role, the following competencies would be particularly important: Analytical thinking, Flexible thinking, Achievement focus, Organisational knowledge.
  • Please refer to the level 1 indicators of OECD Core Competencies.

What the OECD offers

  • Basic monthly salary from EUR 3 468, plus allowances and benefits depending on personal circumstances, exempt from French income tax.

The OECD is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes the applications of all qualified candidates who are nationals of OECD member countries, irrespective of their racial or ethnic origin, opinions or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, health or disabilities.

The OECD promotes an optimal use of resources in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Staff members are encouraged to actively contribute to this goal.

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