Workshop Trainer (local), Wildlife Trafficking in Guatemala and Belize 208 views

Workshop Trainer (local), Wildlife Trafficking in Guatemala and Belize

  • Job ID:

    • #3475853
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    American Bar Association

    Closing date:
    13 Feb 2020


    The American Bar Association, Rule of Law Initiative (ABA-ROLI) is seeking a local trainer to develop a training curriculum and materials and deliver a two-day training on wildlife trafficking in Central America, namely in Bolivia and Peru. The trainer must be an expert on wildlife trafficking and will co-facilitate training sessions with an international wildlife trafficking expert for key stakeholders in Bolivia and Peru.


    • In coordination with the international expert, he/she will be responsible for developing a bi-national training curriculum and materials addressing the legal framework, regional enforcement and cooperation, and nexus of transnational crimes related to wildlife trafficking across Bolivia and Peru;
    • Under the supervision of the Program Director and in collaboration with DC staff he/she will develop training evaluation materials including, but not limited to, pre and posttests.
    • In collaboration with the international expert, he/she will draft and submit a training report at the conclusion of the binational training;
    • Responsible for identifying key stakeholders for the training, if needed.


    • Previous experience with U.S. government-funded international programs;
    • Previous experience in applied research and curriculum design;
    • Previous experience in conducting trainings for high-level key stakeholders including state actors;
    • Previous experience and familiarity on issues regarding wildlife trafficking in Central America;
    • Strong commitment to rule of law principles.
    • Fluent in Spanish;


    • Fluency in English;
    • Familiarity on issues regarding wildlife trafficking;

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