Technical Advisor – Strategic Planning and Assessment (DDR) – Ministry of Internal Security – Qualified Somali expatriates ONLY 373 views

Technical Advisor – Strategic Planning and Assessment (DDR) – Ministry of Internal Security – Qualified Somali expatriates ONLY

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    International Organization for Migration

    Closing date:
    30 Dec 2019

    THIS POSITION IS ONLY FOR qualified Somali expatriate

    • Position title: Technical Advisor – Strategic Planning and Assessment
    • Duty Station: Mogadishu
    • Duration of Assignment:11 months
    • Deadline for applications: 30 December 2019
    • Ideal candidate: qualified Somali expatriate only

    Background Information

    About MIDA

    The Migration for Development (MIDA) Somalia programme supports the mobilization of resources and expertise of the Somali diaspora to contribute to the stabilization and development of Somalia, while ensuring that skills and knowledge are transferred to the host institutions and retained by local staff once the diaspora experts complete their assignments.

    Activities / Key Results Expected

    Contextual information: IOM is a leading partner in supporting the efforts of the Ministry of Internal Security, Defector Rehabilitation Programme (DRP) to increase community resilience to violent extremism and prevent violent extremism amongst vulnerable groups. Assistance is focused toward capacity-building initiatives for government ministries, community dialogues and information sharing, community empowerment programming, and skills-based training. IOM’s efforts in this area are geared toward national ownership and undertaken in support of the DRP’s National Programme for Disengaged Combatants and Women formerly associated with Al-Shabaab.

    The Federal Government of Somalia has highlighted the need to better understand their capacities to successfully implement all four pillars of the National Programme. In particular, the DRP want to improve systems and processes around finance, HR, accountability measures, etc. In readiness for the possibility of a multi-partner trust fund, stakeholders engaged in each pillar of the National Plan will also be mapped.The recommendations that come from this assessment will help to shape DRP’s strateg.

    The first component of the transition plan will be an Institutional Assessment on the capacity of the FGoS – DRP in the areas of outreach, reception, screening, rehabilitation and reintegration with a focus on institutional capacities on finance, human resources, M&E, and centre operations. Stakeholders/Actors engaged in each pillar of the National Plan will also be mapped. The assessment will outline current capacities, identify gaps, and provide detailed recommendations which will be used to inform the DRP’s 3 -5-year strategy.

    The incumbent will guide the DRP to develop and conduct the institutional assessment, subsequent strategy, as well as provide training, support, and expertise to build the capacity of the Ministry of Internal Security and inform instructional policies and practices. The incumbent will report to the FGoS Director of the Ministry of Internal Security DRP.

    Target Outputs

    1. Conduct consultations with relevant government stakeholders to identify specific areas that the institutional assessment will cover such as human resources, financial management, operational workflows from FGS to FMS. a) Including the establishment of coordination mechanisms such as network of focal points for each area or working group to ensure that government stakeholders are engaged in the process. b) Including literature review of lessons learned on implementing National Programme from Implementing partners such as IOM and Adam Smith International. c) Assess and guide the direction of inter-ministerial coordination at both the FGoS and FMS State Levels across different thematic areas overlapping with rehabilitation and reintegration efforts (Gender, Labour, Education, Religion, etc.). d) An assessment on areas of opportunities for harmonization of centre based services such education, skill buildings and reintegration support grant. e) Institutional staffing assessment for the government and implementing partners to include roles, capacity and the benefit of bilingualism as oppose to monolingual staffing on key areas such as education, gender, reintegration and M&E.
    2. Based on priority areas identified by the government, develop tools to conduct assessment such as questionnaires and surveys based on what will work in the FGS and FMS level.
    3. Engage with actors working and/or contributing to the National Programme and analyse the inputs being made under each pillar.
    4. Draft institutional assessment document in month 4 outlining all the of data collected in the above tasks and include recommendations for way forward. Present assessment to key stakeholders including Government of Germany and IOM.
    5. Finalize institutional assessment in month 6 based on the feedback provided on the draft by relevant stakeholders. Disseminate findings to other interested actors.
    6. Based on finalized recommendations made in the institutional assessment, conduct appropriate activities (including meetings, workshops, surveys, focus group discussions) to guide the strategic planning for the DRP. Including identifying timeframe of strategic plan aligned to wider Government of Somalia planning. Developing an Action Plan with a timeframe and budget to implement strategy.
    7. Present draft strategic plan in month 7 to relevant stakeholders for discussion and review, including to relevant stakeholder in the Government of Somalia to ensure that strategy is endorsed.
    8. Finalize strategic plan by month 8, ensure that relevant parties’ feedback has been included to ensure that strategic plan is endorsed, present strategic plan as needed.
    9. Perform such other duties as may be assigned.


    Besides the specific outputs mentioned in section IV, the MIDA programme requires the following steps/actions to be undertaken throughout the assignment. These are standard requirements for all assignments under this project:

    1. Transfer of skills: One of the main responsibilities of the Somali diaspora participant, and one which he/she will be measured against, will be to ensure continuous and systematic transfer of knowledge and skills as related to the assignment. It will have to be agreed with the beneficiary institution which civil servants will benefit from this knowledge.
    2. Work plan: A work plan will have to be developed with the Supervisor during the first week of assignment which will provide clear and time bound activities to be implemented in order to achieve the expected outputs of the assignment. This work plan will be shared with the MIDA Project Assistant. The work plan can be revised during the mid-term review to reflect new developments or changes in strategy.
    3. Mid Term Review: there will be a mid-term review of the assignment between the incumbent and the beneficiary institution to discuss progress of the assignment and feedback on performance.
    4. Interim and Final Reports: Progress reports will be submitted by the incumbent to the Supervisor and to the MIDA Project Assistant. Thereafter a final report will be provided at the end of assignment.
    5. Impartiality to all stakeholders while conducting the assessment.


    • Level of Education: Master’s Degree or higher education
    • Area of Study: Political or social Science, Peace & Security, Development Studies, International Relations, DDR, Law or similar
    • Years of work experience in what area(s): 5 years’ experience – Experience in research and above areas of study
    • Languages needed: English and Somali

    General skills / Other Requirements:

    • Analytical and problem-solving skills.
    • Knowledge in business law, public law and labour law.
    • Legal research and analysis in complex areas of law.
    • Knowledge in substantive law and legal procedure in the context of Somalia and international norms.
    • Experience in contract drafting and negotiation.
    • Excellent communication.

    Monthly Stipend

    IOM will liaise with the participant, the donor and IOM’s partners to determine an allowance necessary for the participant to be successful in his or her assignment.

    Security and Insurance Modalities

    Health insurance, including evacuation due to medical emergency, will be provided by the project. However, experts will be requested to provide a recent medical certificate stating that they are physically well and apt to work in a hardship area in Africa.

    Please note that IOM, according to the contract, will not be responsible for the security of the qualified Somali expatriates. The host Ministry/ institution will be responsible for the security of the individual.

    Before leaving the country of residence and upon arrival in Somalia, the qualified Somali expatriate will receive a pre-departure briefing including security advice and cultural background.

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