Project Analyst 388 views

Project Analyst

  • Added Date: Wednesday, 27 November 2019
  • Deadline Date: Wednesday, 11 December 2019
  • Organization: UNDP – United Nations Development Programme
  • Country: Sudan
  • City: El Geneina
  • Contract Type: Service Contract (SC)
  • Post Level: SB4

    • Administration of budgets and monitoring of expenditure of the project; 
    • Field Office programme finance, asset, procurement and HR management in line with UNDP corporate rule, regulation and policies;
    • Support partnership activities at project level;
    • Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing,
    • Support preparation of annual project workplans and related sub-plans (procurement plan, quarterly plans if required, and others as necessary);
    • Ensure timely and good-quality implementation of workplan activities;
    • Continuously monitor progress against the approved work-plan; Identify changes in the external environment and promptly agree necessary solutions/actions ( ex. related to the planning and implementation of activities, need for new activities) with UNDP office and Project Board;
    • Monitor expenditure to ensure that it is in line with approved budgets, AWPs and UNDP Programmed/Financial policies;
    • Implement activities by mobilizing partners, goods and services, in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations;
    • Implement effective internal controls, proper functioning of a client-oriented financial resources management system;
    • Monitor financial exception reports of developing projects for unusual activities, transactions and investigates anomalies;
    • Coordinate and Control of Combined Delivery;
    • Periodic monitoring of dashboards and exceptions, identification of remedial actions;
    • Assist UNDP Field Offices in implementing new standards and procedures in consistent to international standard (like IPSAS);
    • Systematically apply best practice in Project/Programme management and implementation of the project.
    • Be familiar with the activities of other development projects in the sector/area, establish contact and keep up-to date with their work;
    • Create and maintain partnerships with local institutions, private sector and civil society in the project area;
    • Regular exchange of information/experience with other projects, cross-learning and sharing results and good practices;
    • Capture lessons learnt during project implementation – a lessons learnt log can be used in this regard; 
    • Participate in regular internal meetings, training events, communities of practice, codifying and sharing knowledge;
    • Facilitate and organise of training for project staff to enable them to perform at the required level;
    • Guidance to all stakeholders on financial matters, programme management and operational matters;


    Corporate Competencies:

    • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
    • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
    • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability

    Functional Competencies:

    Knowledge Management and Learning

    • Promotes knowledge management in UNDP and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example
    • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills

    Development and Operational Effectiveness

    • Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
    • Ability to lead formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development Programmes and projects
    • Ability to formulate and manage budgets, manage contributions and investments, manage transactions, conduct financial analysis, reporting and cost-recovery
    • Ability to implement new systems and affect staff behavioral/attitudinal change
    • Strong IT skills, knowledge of ATLAS system desirable
    • Excellent knowledge of financial rules and regulations, accounting
    • Excellent knowledge of Results Management Guide and Toolkit

    Management and Leadership

    • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback
    • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
    • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills
    • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities



    • Masters’ degree or Bachelor’s degree in law, development studies, rural development, economics or any related field.


    • A minimum two (2) years with Masters’ degree, or, minimum four (4) years with Bachelors’ degree of relevant experience at the national and/or international level in Project/Programme formulation, implementation, management. 
    • Excellent knowledge of current political affairs in Sudan generally and Darfur in particular;
    • Hands on experience of working with government authorities, rule of law and justice sector institutions, IDP populations, grass-roots communities and civil society;
    • Excellent organizational, communications and interpersonal skills;
    • UN work experience, prior UNDP experience and knowledge of its procedures and processes will be an asset.

    Language Requirements: 

    • Fluency in oral and written English and Arabic



    Contract Duration: 1 year with possibility for extension

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