Partnership with Sudanese local organization/company 20 views1 applications 9 views

JORI Research & Consulting (JOURI) is an independent research and evaluation company registered in Geneva.

Jouri works to do development differently – more empowering, more just, more impactful, with evidence. If you share our passion for making development consulting more just for both the consultants who lead it and the communities who benefit from the work done in this sector, we warmly welcome you.

JORI is pleased to announce a partnership opportunity with a local Sudanese organization with expertise and experience in monitoring and evaluating humanitarian interventions.

Key Qualifications for Potential Partners:

– Expertise in Monitoring and Evaluation: Proven track record in assessing humanitarian projects, ensuring their effectiveness and operational efficiency.

– Comprehensive Regional Access: Presence and operational capacity throughout all regions of Sudan, allowing for a holistic understanding of local dynamics.

– Official Commercial Registration: Valid registration for the year 2024 in Sudan/south Sudan, and compliance with local regulations and practices.

For more information about Jouri please visit our website We look forward to the possibility of working together toward meaningful change.

If your organization meets these criteria and is interested in exploring this partnership opportunity , please send us your information (Profile, Accessibility, any other necessary information) through [email protected] .

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  • Job City South Sudan, Sudan

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