National Consultant to support UNICEF office in the development and implementation of strategic communication, Tirana, Albania 162 views

National Consultant to support UNICEF Albania office in the development and implementation of strategic communication

Job no: 528822

Position type: Consultancy

Location: Albania Division/Equivalent: CEE/CIS

School/Unit: Albania

Department/Office: Tirana, Albania

Categories: Consultancy

UNICEF works in some of the world’s toughest places, to reach the world’s most disadvantaged children. To save their lives. To defend their rights. To help them fulfill their potential.

Across 190 countries and territories, we work for every child, everywhere, every day, to build a better world for everyone.

And we never give up.

For every child, rights protection

UNICEF’s Country Office in Albania (COÂ) is committed to tackling human trafficking of Albanian children and women (young girls in particular) and in order to do so efficiently, the CO has to address and take into account issues such as: gender-based violence, especially domestic, intimate partner and sexual violence, steadily changing recruitment methods used by traffickers (e.g. via social networks or within close family), a political volatility linked to the transition from communist rule to market economy which has lead to an important increase in emigration, a dire socio-economic context offering only limited opportunities to the local population and finally an important gap between a strong legislative framework and the faltering implementation thereof.

Within the framework of the present project (the ProjectÂ), UNICEF’s Albanian CO was awarded the lead on a 18-months multi-partner initiative funded by the United Kingdom, acting through the intermediary of the United Kingdom’s Embassy to Albania, whose purpose is to reduce human trafficking in and from Albania. To this end, the Project will tackle human trafficking by incorporating the following four approaches:

  • Develop and implement evidence-informed, strategic communication in order to achieve a positive change in behaviours and social norms;
  • Ensure that the justice system is victim-oriented and counts on effective law enforcement and prosecution mechanisms;
  • Introduce and implement sustainable and rights-based models for reintegration of the victims of human trafficking and the at-risk population;
  • Develop and implement community-driven solutions with access to social services to reduce vulnerabilities of the most-at-risk members of population.

Each one of the components of the Project will involve work in close coordination with a different implementing partner, with specific outcome proper to each one of them. In a perspective to combat human trafficking efficiently, this way of approaching the problematic through four different key areas, is indeed bound to apprehend the issue of trafficking in a comprehensive and sustainable way.


The Project’s goal is to tackle human trafficking, in particular of children and adolescents, in and from Albania. Given the unfavourable socio-economic background offering limited opportunities to the Albanian population, past politicial volatility and harmful social norms enhancing gender-based violence, Albania is a potential country of origin of victims of human trafficking – next to being, to a lesser extent, a country of transit and destination. In order to reduce this plight, UNICEF’s Albanian CO was awarded the lead in this complex and cross-sectoral Project, involving multiple partners on all levels. Insofar as an efficient and sustainable solution to human trafficking has to involve a change in social norms, especially of violence-enhancing perceptions of gender roles and children as rightholders, the CO requires additional manpower, in form of a legal entity or a natural person, to elaborate, implement and evaluate a strategic communication component delivering impactful messages, raising awareness and changing, where possible, the local population’s way of thinking with regard to human trafficking in Albania. In virtue of para.

  • 3 (b) of the Administrative Instruction CF/AI/2013-001 (Amend. 2) of 9 February 2015, technical support and expertise may be sought in form of Consultants and individual contractorsÂ, if (b) the need for the required services cannot be met from within the current staff resources of UNICEF due to lack of specialized knowledge and/or expertise, or capacityÂ.

How can you make a difference?

Under the general guidance of the Deputy Representative (hereinafter: SupervisorÂ), and the second supervisor, the Communication Officer, the consultant, who may be either a legal entity or a natural person (hereinafter: the ConsultantÂ), is accountable for developing the strategic communication component of the Project.

The different professional, technical contributions include:

  • Rigorous preparatory work (including a preliminary assessment of the situation), planning, implementation and monitoring of a strategic communication strategy on human trafficking in Albania;
  • Supervision, coordination and alignment of four community communication teams to adjust and apply the aforementioned strategy in order to carry out awareness-raising activities in the field;
  • Conception, development, implementation, monitoring of evidence-based communication tools in relation witha strategic communication campaign on human trafficking;
  • Active communication with the respective governmental, non-governmental and civil society stakeholders involved in the Project in order to regularly inform on and ensure a mainstreamed conveyance and implementation of the communication strategy, as well as a solid ownership of the process;
  • Active internal coordination within UNICEF’s Albanian CO, in particular with the Project Manager and the Child Protection Specialist in charge, among other things to ensure coherence between the communication strategy and the overall Project.

The communication strategy and the visibility activities linked thereto will focus on raising awareness on the disastrous consequences of human trafficking and will actively promote alternative models to prevailing, harmful social norms and stereotypes.

Description of the assignment (Statement of work)

Activities include, but are not necessarily limited to the following tasks: -In close consultation with UNICEF Albania’s communication officer, development of a holistic and strategic communication strategy for the Project conveying impactful messages regarding human trafficking in Albania, by carrying out, among other things, tasks such as:

  • Development of a strong visual identity for the Project;
  • Development of high-quality audio-visual materials on human trafficking;
  • Support the development and promotion of social media content;
  • Visibilization of human stories behind trafficking to raise awareness on the subject;
  • Implementation, respectively supervision of the implementation, of the holistic and strategic communication strategy, by ensuring regularly the alignment of the relevant partners work with the strategy and the coherence between different messaging and visibility components across the Project in a whole.
  • Development of evidence based communication tools and messages, conveying impactful messages aiming at changing harmful social norms which contribute to human trafficking, starting with the elaboration of an action plan and factoring in the different messaging and visibility components required within the framework of the present Consultancy, such as, but not limited to:
  • A mobile application for awareness raising, referral and reporting with regard to human trafficking,
  • A national competition among secondary-school age children for the best concept of a game or quiz on the risks associated with and protection mechanisms against human trafficking,
  • Audio-visual materials on stigma, violence, gender discrimination, deception and risks to victims of human trafficking,
  • A national photography and short-story competition ‘The Untold Stories’Â about Albanians who have undergone human trafficking
  • As part of the strategic communication strategy, assistance in the elaboration and implementation of a monitoring and evaluation framework (M&EÂ) with regard to both, the communication-strategy and campaign; Audio-visual materials on stigma, violence, gender discrimination, deception and risks to victims of human trafficking
  • Planning, organization and conduct of public events, launches and round-tables within the framework of the holistic communication strategy;
  • Closely communicate and follow-up with the Supervisor; keep contact with other offices within UNICEF / other sections within UNICEF Albania with regard to exchange of knowledge, the organization of activities, also involving relevant technical counterparts, CSOs and other implementing partners, at both national and local levels;
  • In addition, communication consultant will support the office in the development and implementation of communication content and campaign on children with disabilities and deinstitutionalization of children. The detailed deliverables of these two components will be prepared in the first month of the assignment in consultation with UNICEF communication officer and programme team.


Ownership rights, including ownership of copyrights of all kinds of materials produced for the purposes of or under the present Consultancy, including printed, filmed or digital materials, unedited footage and final production materials, if any, will be considered property of UNICEF Albania. The Consultant shall not use any and/or all parts of the footage/material/design except upon receiving written permission from UNICEF Albania.

DELIVERABLE 1 – In close consultation with UNICEF Albania’s communication officer, support provided to UNICEF Albania in developing, planning, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating a holistic and strategic communication strategy conveying impactful messages on human trafficking in and from Albania. Proportion of activity: 40%


  • In close consultation with UNICEF Albania’s communication officer, the relevant implementing partners and the donor, development, validation and dissemination of a holistic and strategic communication strategy for the Project conveying impactful messages regarding human trafficking in Albania, providing for a strong visual identity for the Project and aiming (among other things) at changing harmful social norms and awareness-raising;
  • Implementation and/or supervision of the implementation (including coordination and instruction) of the holistic communication strategy, also by ensuring regularly the alignment of the relevant partners’ communication materials with the strategy and its branding, as well as the coherence between different messaging and visibility components across the Project as a whole;
  • Assistance in the elaboration and implementation of a M&E-framework for the communication strategy;
  • Creation and maintenance of strategic media partnerships in relation with the communication strategy;
  • Support the production of high-quality audio-visual materials relating to human trafficking within the framework of the communication strategy, including subjects such as stigma, violence, gender, discrimination, deception and risks (potential) vitims of human trafficking are exposed to, also through the visibilization of human stories behind trafficking;
  • Support the development and divulgation of social media content relating to the Project;
  • Support the production of high-quality audio-visual materials relating relating to subjects such as stigma, violence, gender, discrimination, deception and risks (potential) victims of human trafficking are exposed to;
  • Close coordination, through the intermediary of the Supervisor and the Project Manager in charge of the Project, with relevant implementing partners, other members of the CO, and other relevant entities or persons regarding items relating to the communication strategy;
  • Supervision, instruction and coordination of a team of four (4) community communication teams performing face-to-face awareness-raising field work in target communities, to address the local population’s vulnerability to human trafficking and to engage with young people and adolescents to empower them and encourage locally cultivated innovative solutions to the problem,; development of regional communication plans;
  • Ensure constant monitoring and evaluation of the quality and timeliness of eventual implementing partners’ and the four (4) community communication teams’ communications;
  • Place regularly updated information on the communication strategy’s progress and planning of activities at the disposal of UNICEF Albania;
  • Provision of technical assistance, inputs and continued feed-back to implementing partners where needed;
  • Draft reports on the evolution of the communication strategy;
  • Perform other duties as required for the successful communication strategy.

Duration: monthly, for the whole duration of the Project; Actor: the Consultant, with the support from UNICEF program staff; Completion Date: based on the monthly work plan agreed with the Supervisor


  • 1. Planning, organization and conduct of public events to raise awareness regarding human trafficking: Proportion of activity: 15%


  • Organization and conduct of four (4) round-tables with key stakeholders and community representatives regarding human trafficking in Tirana, Shkoder, Kukes and Diber;
  • Organization and conduct of four (4) large public events regarding human trafficking in Tirana, Shkoder, Kukes and Diber, following the four (4) round-tables, including key stakeholders and community representatives;
  • A gala ceremony combined with an exhibition and an awards ceremony finalizing the national photography and short-story competition of Untold Stories (see: Deliverable
  • 2.)
  • Prepare, validate and disseminate communication plan of the project (in close collaboration with UK embassy and implementing partners); prepare and monitor the implementation of the communication / branding guidelines (in close collaboration with UK embassy partners); Review content and branding of all communication materials produced under the project
  • Support to create and develop a compendium of high-quality communications materials for the project (visual, video, photography, etc.)
  • Develop human stories to leverage visibility / attraction for project and HT

Duration: at the start and end of the project; Actor: the Consultant; Completion Date: based on the monthly work plan agreed with the Supervisor


  • 2. Planning, organization and conduct of two (2) national competitions to raise awareness regarding human trafficking. Proportion of activity: 10%


  • Organization and conduct of a national competition among secondary-school age children for the best concept of a game or quiz (‘Edutainment’Â) on the risks associated with human trafficking and the ways to be better protected;
  • Organization and conduct of a national photography and short-story competition under the slogan ‘The Untold Stories of A Good Life Abroad’ Âabout Albanians who have been trafficked or smuggled and who have faced, during their journeys, situations that were very different from what they had expected or that they were promised; competition to be followed by a gala ceremony (see: Deliverable
  • 1.).

Duration: monthly; Actor: the Consultant, with the support from the four (4) community communication teams; Completion Date: based on the monthly work plan agreed with the Supervisor.


  • 3. Assistance in the development, adaptation and implementation of digital tools to raise awareness, build capacities and facilitate referral and reporting regarding human trafficking. Proportion of activity: 10%


  • Support the development, implementation and active promotion of a mobile application combining elements of awareness raising, referral and reporting around human trafficking, to be used by members of civil society, including victims and potential victims of human trafficking;
  • Support the adaptation of a peer-to-peer education module on safety online on the subject of human trafficking, actively engaging school children in the awareness raising process

Duration: monthly; Actor: the Consultant, with the support from the four (4) community communication teams; Completion Date: based on the monthly work plan agreed with the Supervisor

DELIVERABLE 2 – In close consultation with UNICEF Albania’s communication officer, support provided to UNICEF Albania in developing, planning, implementing, coordinating, monitoring and evaluating a holistic and strategic communication strategy conveying impactful messages on children with disabilities and deinstitutionalization of children. Proportion of activity: 25%


  • In close consultation with UNICEF Albania’s communication officer, the relevant implementing partners and the donor, development, validation and dissemination of a holistic and strategic communication strategy for children with disabilities and deinstitutionalization of children at changing harmful social norms and awareness-raising;
  • Implementation and/or supervision of the implementation (including coordination and instruction) of the holistic communication strategy, also by ensuring regularly the alignment of the relevant partners’ communication materials with the strategy and it’s branding, as well as the coherence between different messaging and visibility components across the Project as a whole;
  • Assistance in the elaboration and implementation of a M&E-framework for the communication strategy;
  • Creation and maintenance of strategic media partnerships in relation with the communication strategy;
  • Support the production of high-quality audio-visual materials relating to children with disabilities and deinstitutionalization of children within the framework of the communication strategy; Support the development and divulgation of social media content relating children with disabilities and deinstitutionalization of children;
  • Support the production of high-quality audio-visual materials relating relating to subjects children with disabilities and deinstitutionalization of children;
  • Place regularly updated information on the communication strategy’s progress and planning of activities at the disposal of UNICEF Albania;
  • Provision of technical assistance, inputs and continued feed-back to implementing partners where needed;
  • Perform other duties as required for the successful communication strategy.

Duration: monthly, for the whole duration of the Project; Actor: the Consultant, with the support from UNICEF program staff; Completion Date: based on the monthly work plan agreed with the Supervisor

Reporting requirements

The Consultant will report on a monthly basis to Deputy Representative and Communication Officer, whereas quarterly work plans will be compiled with the Supervisor. The report will be prepared in English and shall include clear information about the activities performed and results achieved against the initially planned deliverables.

Location and Duration

The Consultant will work in the premises of UNICEF Albania CO located in Tirana, with eventual travels within the country. The initial contract is planned for 11.5 months with a possibility of extension. The exact dates for starting and ending the contract will be negotiated upon awarding the contract.

To qualify as an advocate for every child you will have:

  • Advanced university degree in Journalism, Communication, Social Sciences, Development or Gender Studies, Social/Public Policy, Social Work, Psychology or any other relevant discipline;
  • Minimum of five (5) years of practical experience in communication and P&R or development projects, preferably in the area of communication for development or any similar domain;
  • Proven successful records in developing and implementing communication strategies and campaigns (on- and offline projects);
  • Strong understanding of work with social norms, especially norms on gender, in order to develop an efficient communication strategy;
  • Ability to produce content for high standard deliverables in both Albanian and English;
  • An innovative and creative approach and strong visual skills are highly desirable;
  • Sensitivity towards ethics with regards to human and child rights issues, different cultures and gender rules is of essence;
  • Ability to work closely with national and international actors with tight deadlines and to coordinate a communication strategy and campaign;
  • Excellent analytical capacities; excellent ability to synthesize information and relate action to results;
  • Fluency in both, spoken and written English and Albanian;
  • High level of interpersonal and computer skills;

Work related requirements:

  • Availability to work full-time with UNICEF as indicated in the current ToR;
  • Ethical accountability and teamwork;
  • Flexibility in responding to office needs.

What to submit

The applicants must submit online:

  • Curriculum Vitae or United Nations Personal History Form (P11);
  • Letter of Interest specifying the relevant experience with similar type of assignments (max 300 words);
  • Financial proposal – The financial proposal shall specify the monthly fee requested for the tasks described in the current ToR and based on the full-time office based work schedule envisaged. The financial proposal shall be submitted in local currency (ALL).

For every Child, you demonstrate…

UNICEF’s values of Care, Respect, Integrity, Trust, and Accountability (CRITA) and core competencies in Communication, Working with People and Drive for Results.

View our competency framework at

UNICEF is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages all candidates, irrespective of gender, nationality, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of the organization.

UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy on conduct that is incompatible with the aims and objectives of the United Nations and UNICEF, including sexual exploitation and abuse, sexual harassment, abuse of authority and discrimination. UNICEF also adheres to strict child safeguarding principles. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks, and will be expected to adhere to these standards and principles.


Mobility is a condition of international professional employment with UNICEF and an underlying premise of the international civil service. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and advance to the next stage of the selection process. If you have any question related to the application please contact Elvana Pernaska at [email protected]

Advertised: Dec 31 2019 Central Europe Standard Time Application close: Jan 27 2020 Central Europe Standard Time

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