National Consultant- Key Population and Mental Health, Abuja, Nigeria 345 views

National Consultant- Key Population and Mental Health

( 1905440 )

Grade : NO-B

Contractual Arrangement : Special Services Agreement (SSA)

Contract duration : NA

Job Posting: Nov 26, 2019, 1:23:09 PM

The burden of Mental Illness in Nigeria is high (20-30%), but fewer than 10% of people in need receive adequate care. This is further accentuated by the recent insurgency and insurrection in the North-Eastern and North-Central regions of the Country. Also, suicide prevalence is increasingly recognized as a serious concern, especially among the young, in Nigeria. There are also many human rights issues that need to be addressed in the context of providing mental health care and support as well as addressing discrimination and human rights violations that are happening in the community.

WHO Nigeria seeks technical assistance to work on these areas. The consultant will provide support to the implementation and scale up of harm reduction programmes to address HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis prevention, diagnosis and treatment for key populations as well as scale-up strategies on Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders. This will require the development of national guidance, tools and reports based on evidence and WHO recommendations and providing support to the implementation of such programmes.


Under the direct supervision of the Cluster Lead, CND, provide technical assistance to the National Harm Reduction and Mental Health, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders Programs to effectively carry out the following specific responsibilities: Facilitate the functionality of the established national TWG on harm reduction and the national TWG working on mental health and substance abuse

Support the implementation and monitoring of policy guidance and strategic plan on harm reduction for people who inject drugs

Support the implementation of harm reduction guidelines and development of service delivery tools in particular on opioid substitution therapy (OST) and needle and syringe programmes (NSP) in line with WHO guidelines and recommendations;

Support capacity building of key and relevant stakeholders on harm reduction;

Support the conduct of operational research and feasibility studies on OST and NSP

Support resource mobilization for key populations including harm reduction (GF proposal and other donors);

Represent the organization on high level groups and issues related to key populations including harm reduction.

Support the collection and timely complete reporting of data and documentation on Key Population data and manage collation, approval and dissemination of program data for the country;

Proactively contribute and provide support including preparing reports, talking points and briefs on key population

Support the scale-up of interventions on Mental, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders (MNSD)

Support the Mental Health Action Committee to identify and recommend key activities to the Honorable Minister of Health

Support the institutionalization of Quality Rights into Mental Health services

Support the review and update of the mental health law, policy and strategic plan in line with global standards

Support the development of a strategic plan for Suicide prevention

Support resource mobilization to support Mental Health interventions

Perform any other assigned duties to support Key population programming, Mental Health, Neurological and Substance Use Disorders and its related activities.



Essential: Degree in clinical medicine, microbiology, human physiology, human anatomy.

Desirable: Advanced university degree at master’s level or higher in medicine, public health, social sciences


Essential: Two years’ experience in Key population programming that includes HIV and MNSD. Two years’ experience in programme management including grant writing, monitoring and evaluation as well as reporting to external donors at national and/or international levels.

Desirable: Demonstrated capacity to implement grants and comply with internal and external requirements; previous experience in working with PEPFAR and Global fund will be an asset

Use of language skills

Essential: Fluency in verbal and written English


Promote WHO’s position in health leadership


Foster integration and teamwork

Produce results

Respect and promote individual and cultural differences

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