Consultant for Save the Children Italy 278 views

Consultant for Save the Children Italy

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    • #3417943
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    Save the Children

    Closing date:
    17 Dec 2019

    Development of an Operational Guidance and toolkit on Child protection Case management for children involved in migration and displacement
    Overview TITLE Consultant – Development of an Operational Guidance and toolkit on case management for children involved in migration for SC IT
    Save the children Italy onlus LOCATION OF ASSIGNMENT Home Based with possible travel if required
    English/French (Spanish and Italian an added value) TRAVEL As required by work plan
    Maximum 90 working days (between December 2019 –December 2021)

    1. Background & Rationale
      SC Italy has launched a strategic initiative for the period 2019-21 on the development of a case management approach/framework for children and adolescents involved in migration, displacement and returnee children and adolescents. The initiative intends to build on Save the Children’s global experience on Child protection case management that has led the organization to develop the recent Common Approach “Steps to Protect”. The “Steps to protect” common approach supports the realisation of Save the Children’s “BE PROTECTED” breakthrough, by working with children, families and communities to reduce harm for all children, and contribute to all forms of violence experienced by children, girls and boys.
      It enables Save the Children to endorse a systematic step-by-step process to working with individual children, girls and boys and their families to address all forms of violence, abuse, exploitation and neglect experienced by children.
      However, the migration scenario might pose additional challenges for both the formal and informal child protection systems and the Common Approach is not sufficiently tailored to respond to as it includes a limited guidance for the work conducted on children involved in migration. For this reason, SC IT intends to develop a framework that will eventually equip Child protection teams
      globally with appropriate tools when targeting unaccompanied and separated children, as well as children without a clear migration status, who appear to be the most deprived, either in transit or at destination.
      To this end, SC IT is looking for a professional consultant that under the supervision of the Senior Child Protection Technical Advisor will provide guidance and technical support to the design, development, pilot and evaluation of this case management framework within the period 2019-2021.
    2. Purpose
      The purpose of this consultancy is to support SC IT in the development of an operational toolkit for case management for children and adolescents involved in migration and displacement that will contain tools and methods to inform programming and planning of SC members’ organizations and country offices.
    3. Tasks and expected deliverables
      The consultant will be hired from December 2019 to December 2021. The timeframe for the consultancy is considered as fixed and cannot be changed, in consideration of Save the Children’s Italy commitment with Save the children Global themes and Save the children country offices.
      TASKS Deliverables Time frame Inception Phase
    4. Review key findings of the initial analysis of the existing toolkit implemented by SC IT
    5. Review documents and tools selected by SC IT on relevant case management practices annexed to the existing toolkit. If needed, hold interviews with members of the consultation CORE group that will support the initiative;
    6. Review wider practices and approaches from key international agencies (IOM; UNHCR; UNICEF) linked to migration and protection
    7. Develop an inception report including a methodological framework applicable to each phase of the initiative.
      Inception Report
      December-January 2019 (tbc) 1. Learning phase
    8. Develop a case management mapping tool & related methodology for its implementation
    9. Collect across SC movement all existing experiences, tools and practices to adjust/develop the new case management toolkit for children involved in migration and displacement (onward the new toolkit).
    10. Mapping tool developed in the form of a questionnaire with related guidance for its implementation
      2.Findings of the mapping analysis synthetized and categorized into an online resources’ platform
    11. Systematize/organize all collected information in an analytical tool disaggregated by country/programme/target/type of services
    12. Identify gaps and strengths of the practices and tools collected through the mapping
    13. Design and develop criteria for an online resources’ platform to be populated with all collected materials.
      Q4 2019 – Q2 2020
      2.Adapting & Designing the toolkit
    14. Develop/Adapt innovative materials and methodologies/tools to fill in the gaps as identified in the previous phase
    15. Develop the first draft of the new framework including resources, conceptual basis, table of contents, main annexes
    16. Organize and facilitate a number of webinars involving key SC thematic experts aiming at validating/reviewing the first draft of the new toolkit
    17. Completed First draft of the new toolkit comprehensive of
    18. the essential prevention and response components
    19. selected tools/practices adapted from original areas/programs
    20. Webinars delivered
      Q2 2020
      Collect, assess and systematize all suggestions and recommendations received by the SC thematic experts and incorporate into the new toolkit
      Revised toolkit incorporating the feedback of key experts (second draft) is delivered
      Q3-Q4 2020 3.1 Capacity building of selected countries in preparation of the toolkit piloting
    21. Design the capacity building programme on the new toolkit for the countries selected for the piloting phase
    22. Organize and facilitate 3 webinars to present the training package to the selected countries’ staff
    23. Delivery 3 residential trainings at national level or 1 at regional level targeting selected countries
    24. Build on the post-training feedback for final review and prepare for the pilot phase
    25. Organize and facilitate 1 regional workshop in the 3 selected countries of implementation to train key staff on the use of the new toolkit
    26. Training materials developed
    27. Reports on the trainings delivered
    28. Final draft of the toolkit based on post-training evaluations
      Q4 2020- Q1 2021
      3.2 Testing of the toolkit in the selected countries
      Develop a MEAL plan (including a strong learning component) for the pilot of the new case management toolkit
      Learning agenda and Meal plan developed
      Design the work plan for the pilot phase
      Detailed 6 months – pilot work plan produced and agreed with the involved countries
      Participate into one or more monitoring & learning field visits to the countries involved in the pilot phase (where and when tbd)
      Report on the field visits including all data and feedback collected through meetings, interviews and focus group discussions with project team, beneficiaries and relevant stakeholders where present.
      Q1-Q2 2021
      Analyze the outcomes from the testing phase according to the MEAL plan and the learning agenda:
    29. Undertake a review of the evidence gathered from the piloting and link it to the components of the new toolkit framework
    30. Undertake a review of promising practices from the field to be reflected in the toolkit in particular on case studies.
      Review of evidence.
    31. Finalizing and adopting the new toolkit
      Consolidate findings from the pilot phase
      Proposed input and revision to the toolkit in line with the outcomes from the pilot phase delivered.
      Q3 2021
      Integrate, revise and finalize the new toolkit
      Final toolkit incorporating findings from the testing phase submitted.
      Q4 2021
    32. Duty station
      Home Based. Travel required either to the field or to the SC IT HQ according to agreed work plan
    33. Key competences, technical background, and experience required
       Advanced postgraduate studies in a relevant subject (e.g. psychology, sociology, child protection, human rights, gender studies, social work etc.)
       5 to 10 years of professional experience in the design, development, evaluation and implementation of child protection, child protection in emergencies and or international cooperation programs.
       Proven research skills and demonstrated expertise in analysis and development of technical papers as well as programmatic guidance related to child protection and/or migration;
       Capacity to work independently yet with ability to share information, receive feedback and engage in dialogue with external partners.
       Good knowledge and experience with national and international child protection standards, policies and guidelines is an advantage.
       Willingness to travel to SC country offices when required to provide technical support according to the strategic initiative work plan;
       Proven experience of capacity building on child protection technical areas with a variety of audiences – professional specialists;
       Experience of archive and mapping design and development required
       Very good written and spoken knowledge of French and English, knowledge of Spanish and/or Italian will be an asset
       Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to promote collaboration and consensus building
       Team player, flexible and solution-oriented
    34. HOW TO APPLY
      Applicants (either individual or in team), are requested to send their submissions by the 17th of December 2019 at 12 pm (CET – Central European Time) to
      Giulia Di Cristo CCing
      Serena Campogrande
      Applications must include:
      • Cover letter
      • CV
      • Suggested methodology that will be further developed in the inception report
      Clearly indicate ability, availability and daily/monthly rate (in €) to undertake the terms of reference above.

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