Building Trust

Positive Indicators

  • Provides an environment in which others can talk and act without fear of repercussion.
  • Manages in a deliberate and predictable way.
  • Operates with transparency; has no hidden agenda.
  • Places confidence in colleagues, staff members and clients.
  • Gives proper credit to others.
  • Follows through on agreed-upon actions.
  • Treats sensitive or confidential information appropriately.

Negative Indicators

  • Has hidden agendas; disguises intentions and feelings.
  • Is unpredictable and inconsistent in management approach.
  • Tends to be lax in delivering on promises.
  • Tends to stick to one style of communication.
  • Actions inconsistent with what is conveyed.
  • Makes it difficult or provides a disincentive for others to speak openly.
  • Can be indiscreet.

Sample Questions

Give me an example of how you have developed and maintained trust in the past.

  • How effective were you at building and maintaining trust in your example?
  • How could you be more effective at building and maintaining trust?
  • What do you see as being the crucial issues to manage in order to get others to place their trust in you?
  • How trusting are you of other people?

Describe a time when others have been surprised about your reaction/approach to a management issue?

  • Why was your reaction different from normal?
  • How aware were people of your intentions?
  • How predictable are you in your management approach compared to your peers?

When have you chosen to keep sensitive information to yourself?

  • What made you decide to do this?
  • Why did you not choose to be open with the infonnation?
  • How important is openness at work?

Tell me about a person with whom you worked that you found difficult to trust.

  • Why did you not trust them?
  • How did you deal with them?
  • How trusting are you compared with your colleagues?

Tell me about the last time that you had to trust a new team member to do a task.

  • How did you feel about it?
  • What happened?
  • What advice would you give to other managers/ supervisors in this situation?

Describe a time when you have been unable to deliver on an agreed action.

  • Why did this happen?
  • How responsible were you for this?
  • What were the repercussions?
  • What did you do to try and overcome the problem?

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