Yemen: YEMEN – FIELD COORDINATOR – AL MOKHAAden, Yemen 271 views

Solidarités International Closing Date : 2019-12-11
Duty Station : Aden, Yemen
See all 36 jobs in Aden, Yemen
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Organization: Solidarit s International
Country: Yemen
Closing date: 11 Dec 2019

Desired start date:December 1st, 2019**
Duration of the mission:** 9 months
Location:AL Mokha


The mission has a forecasted budget of about 8M Euros for the year 2019. It operates from Aden, where the coordination is based, and 2 operational field bases located in Al Turbah and Al Mokha. The mission is composed of 22 expatriates and about 90 national staffs. Objectives for the mission for 2019 is to strengthen its Emergency Response capacity, and develop operational capacity in Taizz city.

In Al Mokha, SI implements emergency WASH and Food Security programs, funded by ECHO, HYPF (Humanitarian Fund), and CDC (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs). WASH activities entail water trucking, rehabilitation of water network, construction of emergency latrines and showers, distribution of hygiene kits, and hygiene promotion. Under its FSL portfolio, SI distributes unconditional, multi-purpose cash to IDPs.

SI has been one of the first humanitarian actors to access the West Coast, and remains as of today positioned in hard-to-reach areas close to the frontline of Hodeidah. SI aims at maintaining this positioning and further expanding its presence in southern districts of Hodeidah. After a significant scale up in financial and operational volume on the West Coast in 2019, SI is expecting to maintain a similar portfolio in the area for 2020.


General objective:

The Field Coordinator leads the base in Al Mokha (with sub-base in Al Khawkhah). In coordination with the Technical Coordinators and under the leadership of the Country Director, he/she develops the response strategy of the mission. He/she supports and oversees the implementation of programs across the different areas of intervention. He/she actively coordinates with humanitarian partners and the community to identify emergency needs, gaps in response, and proposes appropriate response as part of the mandate of SI. With the support of the Field Coordinator Assistant, he/she maintains close monitoring of the security situation in its areas of operation, and negotiates access to hard-to-reach areas with relevant stakeholders. He/she oversees support department and ensure adherence to SI procedures.

The main challenges:

Volatile security context and access constraints: the West Coast is located on one of the frontlines of the conflict, south of Hodeidah city, which was until late 2018 one of the most active battlefield. While the frontline has since the Stockholm agreement froze on the West Coast, renewed fighting remains a possible scenario in the next 6 to 9 months. Security and access constraints today on the West Coast relate to landmines, and regular shelling of villages/cities (that are very far from SI base but close from our areas of operation) by one party to the conflict.

Structuration of the base: Al Mokha base was opened late 2018, hence remains a new operational base for SI, with associated challenges in terms of structuration (HR setup, inter-department work, development of context-specific SoPs, etc.). The unattractiveness of Al Mokha for national teams adds to this challenge, with low retention of skilled staff, and need to strengthen capacity of locally-recruited teams. While a lot has already been done, the structuring of the base, which has gone in 2019 through a substantial scale up, remains a challenge for the next 9 months.

Priorities for the 2/3 first months:

Support Program Teams to finalize ongoing projects (ending first quarter 2020)Structure the base and reinforce departments through capacity buildingImprove inter-departmental workClose security follow-up and pursue the access strategy



Mokha team is composed of 37 staffs. The Field Coordinator will directly line-manage a team of 5 expatriates (1 WASH Program Manager, 1 Base Logistician, 1 Base Administrator, 1 FSL Program Manager) and two national staffs (1 Field Coo Assistant, 1 MEAL Supervisor). The Field Coordinator directly reports to the Country Director and has strong interaction with the others coordination staffs.


The application must have a strong context mixing emergency programming and early recovery response, and have significant prior experience in implementing or overseeing such projects in complex humanitarian environment.

Education and experience

Post-graduate with at least 5 years experience as humanitarian workerPrior substantial experience in unstable environment (conflict / post conflict country)Experience in working in tense security context with strict security rulesExperience in implementing/supervision emergency projectsPrior substantial experience in security managementKnowledge of the sub-region/prior experience in Yemen is an asset

Knowledge and technical skills

Good and proven writing and spoken English are requiredKnowledge of emergency programingKnowledge of Arabic is an assetKnowledge and experience of the Yemen or Middle-eastern countries is an asset

Transferable skills

Advanced leadership and management skillsGood analytical and writing skillsAdvanced communication and negotiation skillsAbility to work under stress/pressure and meet tight deadlinesExcellent prioritization and organization skills.Proactivity, flexibility, autonomy, pragmatism, solutions-oriented mindset.Capacity to work under pressure, solve problems and decide quickly on contingency actions.


Skill transfer ability highly appreciatedStrong interpersonal skillsAnticipation and self-organization capacitiesWillingness to work in complex and volatile environments

A salaried post:
According to experience, starting from 2860 euros gross per month (2600 base salary + 10% annual leave allowance paid monthly) and a monthly Per Diem of 750 USD. SI also covers accommodation costs and travel expenses between the expatriate s country of origin and the place of assignment.

Vacation: during the assignment, a system of alternation between work and time off is implemented at the rate of one break after every two months spent on the mission. For a one-year assignment, the expatriate will have a 7-day break during the 2nd, 4th, 8th and 10th months (with 750 USD allocated by SI). He or she will also be entitled to go back to his or her home country for a 14-day period after six months spent on the mission (SI will cover travel costs).

Social and medical cover:
Expatriates benefit from an insurance package which reimburses all healthcare expenses (including medical and surgical expenses, dental care and ophthalmological expenses, repatriation) and a welfare system including war risks. Essential vaccination and antimalarial treatment costs are refunded.


The security situation on the West Coast differs between Al Mokha, where SI Office/GH is located; and districts of Hodeidah governorates (beyond 1h drive from Al Mokha), where most of our projects are implemented.

In Al Mokha, the situation is stable and quiet due to heavy military presence from the coalition. Main risks in Al Mokha relate to landmines/UXO/IED presence (not in Al Mokha city, but in neighboring districts), celebratory fire, and/or cross-fire due to personal disputes. Criminality remains low in the city, owing to heavy military presence, while kidnapping is not considered a major threat in the area.

In southern districts of Hodeidah, i.e. SI areas of operation, the security situation is more volatile, as these districts are crossed by the frontline. Following the redeployment of armed groups from Hodeidah city, intensified shelling has been reported in these districts, as well as attempt by one party to the conflict to regain territory. Working in hard-to-reach areas, SI has developed specific security SoPs to operate in these districts.

How to apply:

Does this description fit you? Please send us your CV and Cover letter in English via this link:

CV only applications will not be considered.

NB: The vacancy may close before the deadline. Thank you for your comprehension

For further information about Solidarit s International, please consult our website:

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