General coordinator (M/F) – Egypt 298 views

General coordinator (M/F) – Egypt

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    Médecins du Monde

    Closing date:
    02 Mar 2020

    For more than 35 years, Médecins du Monde (MdM), a campaigning medical organisation committed to international solidarity, has been caring for the most vulnerable populations at home and abroad. It has continued to highlight obstacles that exist in accessing health care and has secured sustainable improvements in health-for-all policies. Those working for this independent organisation do not solely dispense care and treatment but condemn violations of human dignity and rights and fight to improve matters for populations living in precarious situations. MdM currently works in 35 countries across all continents where it focuses on 5 priority areas: caring for the health of migrants and displaced persons, promoting sexual and reproductive health, harm reduction associated with drug use and sexual practices, emergencies and crisis, and harmful environment.

    MdM has been working in Egypt since 2004 on long-term projects. The first project (2005-2008) aimed at improving reproductive health care access for young mothers and girls living on the street through capacity building and advocacy. The second project (2009-2011) aimed at improving health care access for children in street situations. The objective of the third project (2014-2017) was to improve access to mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) services among most at-risk populations in Greater Cairo, in partnership with the Ministry of Health (MoH) and national NGOs providing psychosocial services to marginalized groups (women victims of violence, street children, children with disabilities, persons living with HIV, etc. and more recently with refugees).

    In September 2017, MdM launched a new phase of programme to protect and promote the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of refugees, migrants and host communities in Egypt. MdM’s strategy in Egypt to improve access to quality MHPSS for refugees, migrants and host communities is in line with the UNHCR/MoH strategy mainstreaming refugees and migrants into primary health care centres. MdM implements mental health and psychosocial (MHPSS) activities in four target areas where refugees and migrants live in Greater Cairo, structuring its intervention in and around 12 Primary Health Care Centers (PHCC).

    To achieve an integrated and comprehensive approach to mental health care service delivery for refugees and migrants and host communities, MdM has chosen to concentrate its intervention on the following:

    • Integration of mental health in primary care: supported PHCC will provide early detection, treatment, and management of common mental health disorders presented at the primary level (focused intervention for higher level of needed care). Beneficiaries with more complex and/or severe mental health disorders will be properly referred to secondary services and will continue to be followed-up by the PHCC to guarantee positive health outcomes.
    • Community-based MHPSS: activities specifically designed to strengthen community cohesion, support, and resilience will be implemented in the community with the overall aim of preventing psychological distress and supporting psychosocial well-being (self-care practices, strengthening informal community support). Community-based activities will also ensure early detection of psychological and/or mental health disorders and safeguard needed referrals for additional care to the affiliated PHCC.
    • Capacity building of civil society providing services to refugees and migrants and/or at-risk groups: NGOs providing services for refugees and migrants and/or at-risk groups will be able to provide necessary and tailored psychosocial support to their beneficiaries, subsequently decreasing existent psychological distress and lessening the risk towards progression of mental health disorders (prevention, early intervention). Furthermore, detection of beneficiaries displaying more severe or advanced symptoms and in need of more focused care will be referred to affiliated PHCC (early treatment through focused intervention).


    The General Coordinator is MdM France’s representative in the country. S/he coordinates the execution of the program, monitor and updates the three-year MdM operational strategy. S/he monitors and analyses the political, humanitarian and medical situation in the country and shares it with the desk and program’s team. S/he promotes sustainability in MdM intervention and transfer to local partners. S/he is responsible for ensuring the delivery of programs, donor and government relations, fundraising and budget management, security and operations management, and developing a motivated and professional team.

    Under the superivion of the Desk Officer at the HQ, the general coordinator collaborates closely with the Associative Country Referents (“Responsable Mission”).

    More specifically, the general coordinator will:

    Mission management and organisation

    • Supervise the organisation and administration of the mission.
    • Ensure that adequate means are available for the smooth running of the programmes – logistics, administrative, financial, HR, etc.
    • Ensure legal compliance of all actions undertaken by MdM-France in Egypt.
    • Ensure that actions and activities undertaken as part of operations are in concert with MdM-France internal procedures and ethical principles, as well as with its Strategic Plan and Associative Project.
    • Supervise establishment and follow-up of a coherent archiving system for the mission in order to capitalize on experience in the field.

    Human Resources management

    • Brief international visitors upon their arrival, oversees the smooth running of missions, ensures application and observance of internal regulations governing missions and of humanitarian code of ethics.
    • Organise and lead regular coordination meetings.
    • Ensure that the team is made aware of the code of conduct and of internal regulations governing missions. Whenever needed, take the right disciplinary measures according to MdM’s internal regulations and conditions of employment.
    • In close relationship with the medical coordinator, supervise the teams and take responsibility for motivating staff, organising work (including appraisal processes) and resolving conflicts.
    • Whenever necessary, update organisational structures and propose adjustments upon the needs of the mission, according with the operational strategy as approved with the desk and the RMs.

    Follow-up of programmes

    • Implement and update the operational strategy together with the technical team, the desk and the RMs; play a leading role in this regard, putting together the field’s proposition and exchanging with the desk and the RMs in order to reach a common vision.
    • Oversee the implementation and the evaluation of projects: field visits, progress review, monitoring workshops, etc.
    • Supervise and, whenever relevant, contribute to the drafting of project proposals, as well as interim and final reports; be responsible for the quality of documents sent to the HQ (proposals, reports).
    • Prepare monthly reports.

    Securing funding

    • Undertake pro-active donor prospection and, in close collaboration with the HQ, mobilize resources.
    • Follow-up identified potential source of funding for the coming years and develop donors’ portfolio.
    • Establish and develop regular contact with funding partners.

    Institutional representation and coordination

    • Represent MdM-France in relations with Egyptian authorities (ministries, institutions etc.) at a policy and decision-making level.
    • Represent MdM-France in dealing with other NGOs, the inter-NGO coordinating body, and other coordinating committees.

    Safety management

    • Be responsible for safety for the mission and share information with both staff and head office.
    • Undertake regular follow-up and propose analysis of developments in the Egyptian context and the regional situation.
    • Regularly update the security pack of the mission, according to MdM’s requirements.
    • Exchange on a regular basis with the Desk and the RMs regarding the evolution of the local / regional context and the analysis of this evolution, particularly the possible impact on the mission.


    • Internal communication: centralize information coming from both field and HQ and ensure smooth flow of communication (continuous upstream flow/exchange of information, monthly reports, etc.)
    • External communication: ensure implementation of the communication and testimony policy as defined in collaboration with the desk and the RMs.

    Status: Employee
    Fixed-term contract (12 months)

    Starting date: February 1st 2020
    Gross monthly salary: 3.041 euros
    Premium equal to one month salary paid in two instalments – minimum of 6 months seniority required
    Expatriation bonus (10% gross salary per month)
    Transportation cost, vaccines and visas covered
    Guesthouse housing
    22.5 RTT (recovery days) per year
    5 weeks of paid leaves per year
    Health insurance (60% covered by MdM and 40% by the employee)
    Insurance (repatriation…)
    Punctual teleworking agreement (after 6 months)
    Médecins du Monde promotes trainings and internal mobility
    Family posting possible

    Minimum of three-year experience in a similar position
    Experience in supervision and team management abroad
    Experience in negotiations and relations with local partners and authorities in a difficult legal, administrative and political context
    Experience in public health programs
    Experience in projects funded by international donors
    Experience in MHPSS and/or refugee programs would be a strong asset
    Experience in the region would be an asset
    Excellent management skills
    Good ability to liaise and negotiate with national authorities, diplomatic skills
    Adaptability, capacity to support all departments (programme and support)
    Organisational skills, rigor
    Reporting skills
    Excellent knowledge of Windows and Office environment
    Languages: Excellent level in English (speaking and writing) is mandatory – Arabic and French would be an asset
    You are committed to MdM’s values as an organisation and motivated by its non-statutory, NFP model.

    Médecins du Monde reserves the right to fill the vacancy before the closing date for applications.
    MdM stands up for the integration of people living with disabilities and fights against discrimination.

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