Spotlight Regional Programme on Femicide consultancy, Panama 258 views


UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

Eliminating violence against women and girls is a key area of UN Women’s work. The focus of Outcome 4 of the UN Women Strategic Plan (2018-2021) is All women and girls live a life free from violence.

The European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN) are embarking on a new multi-year programme, called the ‘Spotlight Initiative,’ which is focused on eliminating violence against women and girls (VAWG) and harmful practices (HP). In a focused set of countries, the Spotlight Initiative will deploy targeted, large-scale investments to improve the rights of women and girls, helping them to live lives free of violence.

The Latin American regional programme of the Spotlight Initiative will focus on eliminating femicide. As stated by the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), on average, at least 12 women are killed daily in the region because they are women. Through a comprehensive approach, the Spotlight Initiative will focus its work on eliminating femicide through six key pillars: I) developing and implementing relevant legislation and policies, II) strengthening national and sub-national institutions, III) preventing violence through evidence-based programmes and campaigns, IV) ensuring the collection and use of prevalence and incidence data, V) establishing essential services for victims and survivors, and VI) partnering directly with women’s movements and civil society.

The Spotlight regional joint programme is focused on pillars: I, III and V and will ensure that women’s civil society organizations are involved in the implementation of all 3 pillars.

The Spotlight Regional joint programme aims at adding value, maximizing investment, and contributing to the scale, sustainability, visibility, lessons learnt and replication of programming to prevent and address femicide throughout the Latin American region. The regional programme is meant to address aspects of femicide that extend beyond borders and that cannot be solved entirely from a national perspective. The regional component will encourage regional institutions to move forward policies to prevent femicide in a context where women’s human rights are being put into question and where some countries are rolling back previously agreed policies on gender equality.

UN Women is the Lead Agency to coordinate the implementation of the Regional Joint Programme. UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA are recipient UN organizations (RUNOs) that will jointly implement resources and provide technical assistance and guidance to the implementation of the regional joint programme as well as to the Joint Programme Team. ECLAC, PAHO, OHCHR and UNICEF will participate as Associate Agencies (AA) working closely with RUNOs and providing their technical assistance and work jointly in partnership. Intergovernmental organizations, regional networks of CSOs and other regional partners will be engaged as well.

Reporting to the Spotlight Regional Joint Programme Coordinator, the UN Women Spotlight Programme Consultant will be responsible for coordinating the effective implementation of the programme activities and actions that UN Women is leading in the joint programme consistent with UN Women rules and regulations. UN Women is leading the implementation of Pillar I) developing and implementing relevant legislation and policies and is also leading the implementation of some of the activities in Pillars 3 and

S/he will use results-based management tools to contribute to programme management, coordinating relationships with key programme stakeholders, as well as contributing inputs to assist with the monitoring and reporting of the programme. The UN Women Spotlight Programme Consultant will work in close collaboration with the EVAW Policy Specialist, operations, programme and project staff in the UNW RO, UN Women HQ, Recipient UN Organizations (UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA), Associate Organizations (ECLAC, PAHO, UNICEF, OHCHR), Spotlight Secretariat, EU, Steering Committee and Civil Society Reference Group, and partners as required for implementing the programme activities and achieving the expected results.

  • General Objectives of the assignment

Provide technical and programmatic assistance to the implementation of the Spotlight Programme and other areas of the ending violence against women (EVAW) portfolio.

Duties and Responsibilities

The consultant is expected to coordinate and implement actions and activities within the Latin American Regional Programme of the Spotlight Initiative Annual Work Plan and Regional Programme Document

Deliverables described below are based on Spotlight Programme work plan and approved project documents, consultant is expected to refer to both documents for additional details.

The consultant is expected to draft, design, implement actions and activities necessary to deliver outcomes and outputs described below. Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:

  • Development of concept notes and TORs
  • Development and supervision of work plans with implementing partners and providers
  • Provide technical inputs for request for proposals
  • Organization of technical review committees
  • Provide guidance and technical inputs to consultants and implementing partners on knowledge products to ensure they meet UNW quality standards.
  • Coordinate and participate in technical meetings, events and trainings.



Pillar 1: Legislation and policies

Outcome 1: Legislative frameworks in the region follow and deepen the understanding of international human rights standards leading to effective sanctioning, prevention and response to all forms of violence against women and girls, including femicide.


  • 1 Regional and national partners have strengthened their knowledge and capacities to assess the gaps and draft new and/or strengthen existing legislation and policies on femicide, with an intergenerational, inter-ethnic and intersectoral approach, starting from the adaptation of the Inter-American Model Law on Femicide to prevent, punish and eradicate the violent deaths of women (Femicide – Feminicide) and the adoption of criminal procedural law in the regulations of the Latin American Model Protocol for the investigation of femicide.
  • In partnership with MESECVI, promote and assist in the adoption and adaptation of the Model Law on Femicide in Latin America and all related activities.
  • Promote the adoption of the Model Protocol for the Investigation of Gender-Related Killings of Women by conducting reviews of criminal procedural law standards in the region, draft recommendations, and promote the adoption of standards to investigate femicides, including a monitoring and evaluation system to track progress of its implementation.
  • Facilitate the documentation of 2 case studies of countries that have implemented the protocol and share results.
  • Facilitate a review of legislation to address family or civil codes and the drafting and promotion of recommendations to address gaps that increase the vulnerability of women victims/survivors of violence.
  • Support the dissemination and rollout of an online course on the Latin American regional protocol to investigate femicides/feminicides
  • Through a call for proposals, build capacities of regional, sub-regional and key national CSOs on strategic litigation on emblematic femicide cases
  • In partnership with CEJIL, support the development of Latin America regional protocol to investigate threats of violence against human right defenders, journalist, media and other groups at risk
  • Support civil society’s capacity building and participation in key regional events forming panels on femicide, holding prior meetings with civil society to jointly agree on positions prior to regional intergovernmental events, and drafting documents of common positions for advocacy.
  • Strengthen regional partnerships with networks of lawyer’s associations, CSOs and universities to build strategies to provide free legal services to women who are at risk of femicide and victims of attempted suicide and/or their families.
  • Inputs on Guidance on the implementation of the Model Law on Feminicide developed in partnership with MESECVI
  • Reports on workshops implemented in partnership with MESECVI.
  • Technical inputs on study on criminal procedural law and monitoring and tracking system.
  • Technical inputs on documentation of 2 cases studies of experiences in implementing the Model Protocol.
  • Technical inputs on review of legislation to address family or civil codes.
  • Dissemination plan for on-line course on model protocol
  • Progress reports on the implementation of the dissemination plan
  • Inputs and drafts to launch call for proposals to build capacities on strategic litigation
  • Concept notes and reports on work with CEJIL
  • Concept notes and reports on work with CSOs
  • Concept note on improving access to free legal services for women victims/survivors of violence against women and/or their families

Pillar 3: Changes in gender equality social norms, attitudes and behaviors

Outcome 3: Gender equitable social norms, attitudes and behaviors change at community and individual levels to prevent violence against women and girls, including femicide


  • 2 Community advocacy platforms are established/strengthened to develop strategies and programmes, including community dialogues and public information and advocacy campaigns, to promote gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviors, including in relation to women and girls’ sexuality and reproduction, self-confidence and self-esteem and transforming harmful masculinities.
  • Recover a historical memory of emblematic cases of femicide to raise the awareness of the general public as well as to support women’s organizations and civil society’s advocacy with governments and the general public
  • Support women’s organizations, coalitions and initiatives, through thematic trainings


  • 3 Decision makers in relevant institutions and key informal decision makers are better able to advocate for implementation of legislation and policies on ending VAWG including femicide and for gender-equitable norms, attitudes and behaviors and women and girls’ rights
  • Promote a network of traditional and alternative media to encourage non-sexist reporting, publicity and communication that helps transform social norms to build egalitarian relationships and prevent gender-based violence, includes training, support and monitoring
  • Technical inputs for the development of innovative formats to promote the historical memory of emblematic cases of femicide
  • Concept notes and reports on trainings held to support women’s organizations, coalitions and initiatives, in relation with output
  • Technical inputs for the promotion of a network of traditional and alternative media
  • Concept notes and reports on training and specific activities to support the network
  • Media monitoring reports to guide efforts of media and communication partners

Pillar 5: Quality and comparable data

Outcome 5: Quality, disaggregated and globally comparable data on different forms of violence against women and girls and harmful practices, collected, analyzed and used in line with international standards to inform laws, policies and programmes


  • 2 Quality prevalence and/or incidence data on VAWG is analyzed and made publicly available for the monitoring and reporting of the SDG target
  • 2 indicators to inform evidence-based decision making
  • Publish a regional map of femicide in Latin America, including a set of relevant indicators to understand the phenomenon and highlight the differences in rates and types of femicide within territories to inform policymaking and the delivery of services
  • Technical inputs for the preparation of a publication of a regional map of femicide in Latin America
  • Dissemination plan for the regional map of femicide
  • Progress reports on the implementation of the dissemination plan

Provide technical support to coordinate regional community of practice meetings and webinars related to the Spotlight Initiative and UN Women’s work on EVAW more broadly.

Technical inputs, concept notes and reports on practice meetings and webinars

Provide technical support to UN Women EVAW Policy Specialist in the preparation of briefing notes, concept notes, presentations, webinars, as needed, including support for the adaptation of the Essential Services Package, work on prevention, Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls Programme.

Technical contributions provided as required

Provide technical support and inputs on EVAW knowledge products developed in the UNW ACRO

Technical contributions provided on knowledge products.

The consultant will be required to:

  • Design activities with credible primary and secondary sources of information
  • Gather and compile all information necessary for monitoring and reporting on activities described above and provide substantive monthly reports
  • Participate in local/regional meetings, events and conduct monitoring visits as necessary, visits outside of Panamá will be funded by UN Women
  • Maintain effective communication with Regional Programme Coordinator and Gender Policy Specialist for effective implementation of activities
  • Provide support to the UN Women Policy Specialist on activities related to UN Women programs
  • Work in close collaboration with the operations, programme and project staff in the RO, UN Women HQ, Recipient UN Organizations (UNDP, UN Women, UNFPA), Associate Organizations (ECLAC, PAHO, UNICEF, OHCHR), Spotlight Secretariat, EU, Steering Committee and Civil Society Reference Group, and partners as required for implementing the programme activities and achieving the expected results
  • Duration of the assignment

Twelve months based in UN Women Regional office in Panama.

  • Payment requirements

Consultant will provide monthly reports of progress made for each Deliverable mentioned above, reports must be submitted in English and/or Spanish language, depending on agreement with supervisor.

Upon receipt of the deliverables and prior to the payment of the installment, the deliverables, related reports and documents will be reviewed and approved by UN Women within one week of submission.

The consultant will be paid on a monthly basis based upon receipt of a monthly report and the other expected deliverables for that month.

  • Inputs

UN Women will provide the Consultant with background materials and technical equipment required for the consultancy relating to the Spotlight Regional Programme.

The consultant is expected to work during office hours from the UN Women regional office for the duration of the assignment.

  • Intellectual Rights, Patents and Other Property Rights

UN Women will be entitled to all intellectual property and other property rights including but not limited to: patents, copyrights and trademarks, in relation to products, processes, inventions, ideas, technical knowledge, documents and other materials that the consultant has prepared or collected during the execution of this consultancy and the consultant acknowledges and agrees that such products, documents and other materials constitute work carried out under the hiring of UN Women.

All information compiled or received by the consultant under this contract shall be the property of UN Women and shall be available UN Women for use or inspection and should be considered confidential and given only to authorized UN Women officials at the conclusion of the work planned under this contract.

  • Supervision:

The Spotlight Regional Joint Programme Coordinator will supervise the contract. Contractor’s performance will be evaluated based on: timeliness, responsibility, initiative, communication, accuracy, and quality of the products delivered.


Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and sensitivity regarding gender issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative problem solving
  • Effective communication
  • Inclusive collaboration
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Leading by example

Functional Competencies:

  • Strong programme formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation skills
  • Good knowledge of Results Based Management
  • Ability to gather and interpret data, reach logical conclusions and present findings and recommendations
  • Strong analytical and organizational skills
  • Good knowledge of GBV
  • Excellent interpersonal and networking skills and ability to work in multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environments
  • Ability to build and promote partnerships across the organization and beyond
  • Ability to work under pressure on multiple activities whilst maintaining high-quality and timeliness

Required Skills and Experience

Education and certification

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in public administration, law, human rights, gender equality, management, social sciences or other related areas is required;
  • A first-level university degree in combination with two additional years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the advanced university degree;
  • A project/programme management certification would be an added advantage.


  • At least 5 years of progressively responsible experience at the national or international level in managing complex and multi-component programme interventions with national, regional or international partners, related to EVAW;
  • At least 2 years of experience in coordinating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating development programmes and projects;
  • Previous experience working in the UN system is an asset.

Language Requirements

  • Fluency in English and Spanish is required

Other requirements

  • Applicants cannot be a public servant from the State, Departmental Government, State Entity and Decentralized services, whatever the nature of the link (paid or not) or hired under any modality by said state public persons.

Application Instructions

  • Applications consists of one attachment that include a completed and signed, UN Women Personal History Form (P11). Applications without the completed P11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment. . The electronic version of the P11 can be downloaded from the following website:
  • The candidate must submit the following documents in one single PDF file:

    • Signed P11 Form
    • Resume
    • Copy of ID or passport
    • Copies of academic titles
    • Motivation letter, maximum one (1) page
    • Financial proposalEvaluation

Technical qualification evaluation criteria:

The total number of points allocated for the technical qualification component is 100. The technical qualification of the individual is evaluated based on following technical qualification evaluation criteria:

Evaluation Criteria

Obtainable Score

Technical criteria

  • Required experience (30 pts)
  • Technical test (20 pts)
  • Interview (20 pts)


Financial proposal




Financial/Price Proposal evaluation:

  • Only the financial proposal of candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation will be considered and evaluated.
  • The total number of points allocated for the price component is 30%
  • The maximum number of points will be allotted to the lowest price proposal that is opened/ evaluated and compared among those technical qualified candidates who have attained a minimum of 70% score in the technical evaluation. All other price proposals will receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest price.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

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