WaSH Local Expert 13 views0 applications 21 views

The Expert’s assignment will be carried out under the instruction of the Programme Manager

The assigned tasks will be the following:

  1. Assist the Program Manager in the identification of infrastructure and WASH-related needs in the Project target areas and/or in assessing the feasibility of specific identified actions.
  2. Under the guidance of the Program Manager, assist the Project team and participate in the technical assessment of (i) WASH interventions and (ii) infrastructure construction/rehabilitation relevant to the Project’s scope of work, identifying structural and/or engineering weaknesses and proposing relevant technical solutions or mitigation measures.
  3. In agreement with the Program Manager, facilitate smooth relation and coordination with specific regard to Project’s institutional stakeholders at regional level, local consultants and contractors, etc., facilitating, whenever deemed possible/advisable, a capacity development environment.
  4. Contribute to the negotiations with the regional and federal counterparts, also being responsible, whenever needed, of direct interpretation and/or translation of documents (from/to Amharic/English).
  5. Assist in the coordination and in strengthening synergies with other interventions implemented, or formulated, by the AICS Addis Ababa (AA) Office, EU, and/or other Donors
  6. Collaborate, in coordination with the Program Manager and under the supervision of the Administration and Procurement Expert, in carrying out market research aimed at the definition of fair cost estimates for relevant procurement of goods, services and/or work.
  7. Contribute, for what concerns his/her area of expertise, to the definition of bid packages, tender dossiers and any other relevant document that may be useful for the execution of the Project’s procurement procedures and/or call for proposals (grants) in accordance with the EU-PRAG procedures.
  8. Upon request of the Program Manager, prepare technical documents (Technical Specifications, Technical drawings, BOQs, etc.) in compliance with the Project’s scope of work and/or to AICS AA Office relevant sectorial needs.
  9. Develop/contribute to the definition of Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE) protocols, to be applied and monitored during any AICS direct implementation of activities and to be shared with the INGOs/CSOs selected to work in the Program’s framework, (i) to ensure compliance to all relevant HSSE standards and (ii) to promote the transmission of HSSE good practices.
  10. Contribute to the elaboration/verification of Project’s workplans and, especially for the WASH and/or infrastructural activities, ensure that significant implementation milestones are duly taken into consideration and monitored/supervised accordingly.
  11. In accordance with the approved work plan and/or MEAL plan and upon approval of the Program Manager, carry out regular site visits to the Project’s sites ensuring that any disparity between planned and actual outputs are addressed, drawing the attention of the Program Manager to identified potential bottlenecks and showing the capacity to propose alternative solutions/mitigation measures.
  12. In agreement with the Program Manager and under the supervision of the AICS AA MEAL Expert, participate in the missions organized to monitor the Project’s activities carried out by the selected Implementing Partners (IPs), being specifically responsible of conducting data auditing and verification of project activities related to the WASH domain and infrastructural interventions (construction, rehabilitation, etc.), monitoring data reported by implementing partner against agreed Results’ Framework indicators.
  13. Collaborate in the preparation of the annual action plan and contribute to the elaboration of any other relevant technical and/or narrative documents required by the EU Delegation or AICS, ensuring that agreed deadlines are always met.
  14. Collaborate in the elaboration of reports and presentations that may be needed to guarantee smooth communication/reporting to the EU Delegation, to AICS AA and AICS HQ, other IPs as well as to the regional or federal stakeholders
  15. Collaborate to identify solutions for cross-cutting issues and provide support to the AICS AA office with regard to any other duty appropriately assigned by the Head of AICS AA Office through the Program Manager or Team Leaders.

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  • Job City Addis Ababa with frequent missions to Afar Region

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