Consultancy on Mapping of Institutional and Organizational Capacity of Disabled Peoples Organizations in South Sudan 259 views

Consultancy on Mapping of Institutional and Organizational Capacity of Disabled Peoples Organizations in South Sudan

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    • #3418473
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    Norwegian Church Aid

    Closing date:
    20 Dec 2019

    1. Background and Context
      Norwegian Church Aid (NCA) is an ecumenical, diaconal, humanitarian and non-profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) mandated by churches and Christian organizations in Norway to work for global justice, by empowering the poor and challenging the wealthy and powerful. Together with our constituency and our partners, NCA commits to the vision: Together for a Just World. Based on the Christian faith, NCA works for the benefit of the poor, destitute and oppressed – regardless of gender, race, political opinion or religion.
      NCA started operations in South Sudan in 1972, providing long term development and humanitarian assistance. In the current and next strategy period, the thematic focus is on Peacebuilding, Gender Based Violence, Climate Resilient WASH and Education, with a special emphasis on women and youth and Persons with Disabilities.
      Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), Norwegian Church Aid (NCA), Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) and Stromme Foundation have secured four years funding from Norwegian Government to jointly implement ‘’Together for Inclusiveness’’ project in South Sudan.The “Together for Inclusiveness” project through the South Sudan ToFI Consortium1, aims to strengthen the focus on inclusiveness of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) and to make sure that PWD are included into the already existing programs of the participating organizations. The overall development goal of the programme is ‘Persons with disabilities in South Sudan claim their rights and exert influence on matters that affect their lives & Girls and boys, women and men with disabilities complete inclusive and equitable quality education and benefit from lifelong learning opportunities’ in South Sudan (by the end of 2024).Together for Inclusion (TOFI) consortium has commissioned a mapping of Disabled People’s Organizations in South Sudan. The mapping exercise aims at identifying existing DPOs and their attendant organizational and institutional capacities to address attitudinal, environmental, institutional barriers which marginalise and exclude PWDs from development and humanitarian programmes in South Sudan.

    2. Purpose
      The purpose of the mapping exercise is to provide factual information to ToFI consortium on the existence and capacity of Disabled Peoples Organisations in South Sudan. The mapping exercise aims to determine the abilities of DPOs to participate and implement various programmes.

    3. Objectives
      The main objectives of this consultancy are the following;

    4. To identify names, location and distribution of DPOs and their networks in South Sudan

    5. To analyse the roles, organisational and institutional capacities of DPOs

    6. To assess structures and process of influence for DPOs in national and local decision making process
    7. To assess existing programmes of DPOs and extract key learnings of programmatic and strategic value to TOFI consortium
    8. Scope
      The Consultant/Consultancy firm will conduct a nationwide mapping exercise for all DPOs and their networks in South Sudan. The consultant is expected to provide a brief historical background of DPOs in relation to the analysis of their specific interventions .
      The scope of work for this evaluation include but not limited to the following;
      a) Conduct a desk review of the previous and current relevant project documents related to Persons with Disabilities.
      b) Carry out individual/group informal/formal discussions with relevant stakeholders working with DPOs including international NGOs and government
      c) Produce a concise, clearly written and clearly presented mapping report (max 20-pages) with needed appendices/list of DPOs, location, programme focus and capacities
      d) Hold meetings with TOFI consortium members
      e) Conduct debriefing/validation meeting with TOFI consortium
    9. Methodology
      The consultant/consultancy firm will be required to develop and share a detailed methodology of how he/she will carry out the mapping exercise;
      a. The consultant is required to develop a detailed methodology, all necessary tools, and propose the outlines/structure of the report
      b. The consultant will conduct a desk review with documents provided by TOFI consortium members and documents from consultant’s own references. All references should be listed in the final report.
      c. The draft report will be submitted to TOFI steering committee for review and feedback. The consultant will make the necessary changes as directed by TOFI steering committee.
      d. All mapping supporting staff such as enumerators will be selected and managed by the consultant
    10. Key outputs/deliverables
      ❖ Inception report
      ❖ Detailed budget.
      ❖ Soft copy of the final report.
      ❖ Mapping materials including soft copies of all data sets both quantitative and qualitative.
      ❖ List of key informants disaggregated by Gender and Persons with Disabilities
      ❖ Draft Report; maximum 20 pages excluding annexes
      ❖ In annexes, the report will include list of DPOS, locations and field photos
    11. Timeframe
      The timeframe for this consultancy is 30 days, from the time the contract is signed. The consultant must commit to finish the consultancy within the specified timeframe.
      ❖ Inception report to submitted within five days (1 week) of signing the contract.
      ❖ Field work/interviews; 2 weeks
      ❖ Report writing and dissemination: 1 week
    12. Desired Profile of reviewer/ Qualifications
      ❖ Post-graduate degree in Social Sciences and relevant field of study
      ❖ Good insight into the Disable Peoples Organisation in South Sudan.
      ❖ At least five years of experience in conducting evaluations with international NGOs/INGOs
      ❖ Previous experience of assessing DPO programmes in South Sudan
      ❖ Good understanding of Arabic or local languages
      ❖ Excellent research and analysis skills
      ❖ Excellent interpersonal skills
      ❖ Excellent written and spoken English
      ❖ Excellent report writing, data collection and analysis skills
      ❖ Knowledge and experience in conducting evaluations in South Sudan

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