Yemen: Yemen – A Field Coordinator based in MokhaAden, Yemen 205 views

Closing Date : 2019-11-30
Duty Station : Aden, Yemen
See all 34 jobs in Aden, Yemen
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Organization: Premi re Urgence Internationale
Country: Yemen
Closing date: 30 Nov 2019

Starting date : September 2019

Duration of Mission : 6 months

Localisation : Mokha Yemen

Premi re Urgence Internationale (PUI)is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilian victims of marginalization and exclusion, or those hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapse by answering their fundamental needs. Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and regain self-sufficiency. The association leads on average 200 projects a year in the following sectors of intervention: Food Security, Health, Nutrition, Construction and Rehabilitation of infrastructures, Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Economic Recovery. PUI is providing assistance to around 6 million people in 22 countries across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and France.

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Humanitarian situation and needs

Yemen is one of the 30 poorest countries in the world with 54% of the population (2014 est.) living below the poverty line on less than two dollars a day. In parallel, since 2011 and the Yemeni revolution, the State is facing major humanitarian challenges. The transitional process failed to provide sustainable peace in the region. The country is now divided in two, with northern Yemen being under severe stress to provide for its population. In March 2015, a Saudi-led coalition began airstrikes in support of southern based pro-government forces, leading to a very unstable situation and dire humanitarian needs.

The armed conflict has spread rapidly throughout much of Yemen since mid-March 2015, with devastating consequences for civilians. Two years of violence has led one of the world s poorest countries into chaos. Around 70% of the population, or 18.8 million people, now depend on humanitarian aid (OCHA); 2.8 million people are displaced; Dozens of schools and hospitals were the target of attacks; 17 million Yemenis are food insecure and 3 million children and pregnant or lactating women are acutely malnourished. The lack of access to safe drinking water and sanitation also affects 14 million people. 14.8 million people have no access to health care. A generation of Yemeni children is at risk, as nearly 2 million children do not have access to education because of conflict, poverty and discrimination. Yemen has turned into the number one humanitarian crisis in absolute numbers of people in need.

Our action in the field

PUI has been present in Yemen since 2007. From 2007 to 2011, PUI supported the primary health system in Hodeidah Governorate. After a one-year stand-by in 2011 due to security reasons, the mission re-started in July 2012 with a nutrition project focusing both on emergency response and a longer term community-based approach in Hodeidah and extended its activity in Raymah Governorate.

Since the beginning of the current crisis in 2014, PUI has progressively developed a core field of intervention based in an integrated approach in order to contribute to tackle one of the main issues faced by the conflict affected population in Yemen: acute malnutrition and access to health care. The integrated approach currently includes:

The direct provision or the support to Primary Health Care (PHC) services,including Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI), Sexual and reproductive Health care (SRH) Antenatal and Postnatal Care (ANC & PNC), Vaccination, Health and hygiene Promotion.

The management of Outpatient Therapeutic Programs (OTP) and Supplementary Feeding Programs (SFP) for Moderate Acute Malnutrition (MAM) and Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) cases.

The support to standard safe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene services in Health facilities

The management of General Food Aid and the distribution of Food Baskets for households with SAM cases.

In May 2017, PU-AMI also started being a part of the Emergency Cholera Response in Hodeida and Raymah through the set up or Oral Rehydration Points and support of one Cholera Treatment Centre in Raymah, and as a partner of an early warning system.

PUI will also position itself in influencing positions, through effective participation to clusters and sub-clusters (nutrition; food security and livelihoods; WASH) and working closely with relevant government departments (MOPIC; MoPHP).The mission will explore opportunities for geographical expansion through developing and clarifying expansion criteria beyond the current Governorates and District.

In 2018, PUI continues to concentrate its intervention in 6 districts of Hodeida and 3 districts of Raymah.

Click here for more information about our response to the crisis

As part of our activities in Yemen, we are looking for a Field Coordinator.

The Field Coordinator is overall responsible for the proper functioning of field base and activities, to ensure safety and security of staff and assets, effective project implementation and quality of the intervention.

Main activitiesSafety: He/She is responsible of the safety of the site, people and properties.Programs: He/She coordinates the teams, and ensures proper implementation of programs on the site, under the supervision of his/her immediate supervisor.Human Resources: He/She supervises all of the teams at the site, as well as national and international staff.Logistical, administrative and financial support: He/She oversees the logistical, administrative and financial components at the site for the purpose of program implementation, and ensures compliance with the relevant procedures, with substantive support from the Logistics Coordinator, and the Administrative and Financial Coordinator of the mission.Representation: He/She represents the organization before the partners, authorities, and various local actors operating in the area where his/her base is located.Coordination: He/She centralizes and disseminates information from/to the site, and consolidates the internal and external reporting activities implemented in his/her field of operations before submitting them to the immediate supervisor.Assessment/ Strategy: He/She participates in strategy development and proposes new interventions in function of needs identified in his/her field of operations.Training and experiencies

Training:Master in and International Relations, Political Science or similar.

Experience: 1 year minimum; experience in safety management

Knowledge and skills:

Security ManagementProject ManagementTeam ManagementExcellent skills in terms of external relationships

Languages: English is required, French is desirable.

Mobility:Extensive travel may be required

Proposed termsEmployedwith a Fixed-Term Contract of 6 months.Starting Date: September 2019Monthly Gross Income: from 2 200 up to 2 530 Euros depending on the experience in International Solidarity + 50 Euros per semester seniority with Premi re Urgence International.Cost CoverdeRound-trip transportation to and from home / mission, visas, vaccines
Insuranceincluding medical coverage and complementary healthcare, 24/24 assistance and repatriation
Housingin collective accommodation
Daily Living ExpensesPer diem Break Policy: 5 working days every 2 months + break allowance
Paid Leaves Policy: 5 weeks of paid leaves per year + return ticket every 6 months
To know more about our offer, look at the complete job description on our website!
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