Young Associate 2020-22 – Environment Performance and Information [ENV], Paris, France 255 views

The OECD is a global economic forum working with 36 Member countries and more than 100 emerging and developing economies to make better policies for better lives. Our mission is to promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world. The Organisation provides a unique forum in which governments work together to share experiences on what drives economic, social and environmental change, seeking solutions to common problems.

The Environment Directorate (ENV), in line with the strategic objectives of the Secretary-General, provides relevant and timely information, analysis and advice to support governments in identifying and implementing the environmental policies needed to support a cleaner, more resource-efficient and low-carbon green growth path. For more information, please refer to

Within ENV, the Environment Performance and Information (EPI) Division undertakes work on environmental information and indicators, including the development and maintenance of important databases such as the Policy Instrument for the Environment database (PINE), the Inventory of Support Measures for Fossil Fuels database and the Sustainable Ocean database. The Division is responsible for the production of the Environmental Performance Reviews and the Green Growth Reviews. It also works on economic instruments including carbon pricing, fossil fuel subsidy and more broadly environmental fiscal reform.


The Young Associate under the EPI Division will report to the Head of EPI Division. (S)he will provide policy analysis and carry out background research on a variety of topics and projects and support the Head of Division in cross-cutting work including co-ordinating contributions from the Division to broader horizontal activities, communication and outreach.

Main Responsibilities

  • Carry out policy analysis and background research on themes relating to the work of the EPI Division.
  • Draft speeches and presentations for the Head of Division, and undertake time-sensitive special projects to support high priority areas of the Division.
  • Contribute to initiatives to disseminate the EPI Division’s work, including preparation of material to promote major outputs.
  • Follow the work of relevant OECD committees and maintain links with Member Country Delegations and staff in other Directorates.

Ideal Candidate Profile

Academic Background

  • Undergraduate degree related to one of the following disciplines: economics, environmental science and policy, public policy.
  • Course work in economics and quantitative analysis required; courses in natural resource management, including energy preferred.

Skills and Tools

  • Data analysis and quantitative skills (experience with Excel, Stata, Eviews, or R) would be a distinct advantage.
  • Ability to carry out research, draft methodological and analytical papers, as well as briefing notes, brochures and meeting summaries.
  • Ability to work on different projects with varying timelines and within a team.


  • Fluency in one of the two OECD official languages (English and French) and knowledge of the other, with a commitment to reach a good working level.

Core competencies

  • For this role, the following competencies would be particularly important: Analytical thinking, Flexible thinking, Achievement focus, Organisational knowledge.
  • Please refer to the level 1 indicators of OECD Core Competencies.

What the OECD offers

  • Basic monthly salary from EUR 3 468, plus allowances and benefits depending on personal circumstances, exempt from French income tax.

The OECD is an equal opportunity employer and welcomes the applications of all qualified candidates who are nationals of OECD member countries, irrespective of their racial or ethnic origin, opinions or beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, health or disabilities.

The OECD promotes an optimal use of resources in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Staff members are encouraged to actively contribute to this goal.

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