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  • Added Date: Sunday, 25 February 2018
  • Organization: International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)
  • Country: Switzerland
  • City: Geneve
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  • What we do

    The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) works worldwide to provide humanitarian assistance to people affected by conflict and armed violence. We take action in response to emergencies and at the same time promote respect for international humanitarian law. We are an independent and neutral organization, and our mandate stems essentially from the Geneva Conventions of 1949. We work closely with National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and with their International Federation in order to ensure a concerted, rational and rapid humanitarian response to the needs of the victims of armed conflict or any other situation of internal violence. We direct and coordinate the international activities conducted in these situations.

    Role Description

    ICRC RFL delegates aim to assist family members separated in the mist of armed conflict, other situations of violence, disasters or migration to be back into contact and reunited by:

    • Monitoring the evolution of RFL needs, the occurrence of emergency situations involving family separation and the relevance and efficiency of operational practices
    • Contributing to the planning, implementation and enhancement of operational strategies and methods to address RFL needs, including possible participation in ICRC visits to places of detention
    • Taking part in the good functioning and management of a field RFL Office / team, in particular by:
      • supervising, coaching and training the staff carrying out RFL activities
      • ensuring proper quality control and (internal) reporting
      • ensuring adequate treatment, follow-up and filing of all individual cases according to established procedures, including full respect for the consent, best interest and protection of beneficiaries
    • Maintaining operational coordination and liaison with the National Red Cross or Red Crescent Society in the country of assignment, as well as with other ICRC delegations and National Societies concerned abroad
    • Providing as needed support and advice to the National Societies engaged in RFL partnerships with the ICRC in order to strengthen their own RFL capacities (guidance, training, etc.)
    • Liaising and coordinating as needed with other national / international stakeholders addressing issues of interest for RFL, such as migration, disaster management, child protection, missing or others.

    Desired profile and skills

    • Minimum two years’ humanitarian work experience, such as ICRC field experience, and/or experience within the RFL service of a National Society, and/or equivalent multicultural experience in the field of protection, child protection, support to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, or social welfare
    • Strongly motivated by humanitarian work and direct contact with people in a multicultural environment (families, vulnerable children and individuals, persons deprived of freedom, refugees, etc.)
    • Practical knowledge of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement an asset
    • Previous experiences in management (project, team…), training and capacity building an asset
    • Excellent interpersonal, communication and organizational skills
    • Rigorous in the collection and processing of information and individual data
    • Able to work under pressure in a potentially dangerous environment
    • Excellent ability to work in a team and to take on leadership role
    • Well-developed writing and summarizing skills
    • Open-minded and adaptable
    • University education or equivalent
    • Excellent command of English and fluency in Arabic or Russian. A good command of French is a distinct asset for career development within ICRC, as French is an institutional language.
    • Fully conversant with common IT tools

    Our operational & field constraints

    • Prepared to accept unaccompanied postings for the first two missions (minimum 12 months each)
    • In line with the principle of neutrality, the ICRC doesn’t assign personnel to a country of which they are nationals
    • Candidates must be in good health and will have to do a medical check-up prior to departure in the field
    • Candidates must possess a driving licence (for manual transmission vehicles)

    What we offer

    • Rewarding work in a humanitarian and multicultural environment
    • Opportunities for further in-house training
    • Attractive social benefits.

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