Composer/Musician(s) 41 views0 applications 303 views

About EDC

EDC is a global nonprofit organization that designs, delivers and evaluates innovative programs to address some of the world’s most urgent challenges in education, health, and economic opportunity. Working with public sector and private partners, we harness the power of people and systems to improve education, health promotion and care, workforce preparation, communications technologies, and civic engagement.  Founded in 1958, EDC’s headquarters are located in Waltham MA, USA.  We also have offices in New York City and Washington, DC, USA.  EDC implements projects in over 35 countries.

 Project Description

The five-year READ II project, funded by USAID, will boost the quality of literacy instruction and student support, reaching out to children at risk of failure and dropout caused by cognitive, emotional and physical effects of hunger, violence, and displacement. READ II seeks to better equip teachers with effective early grade reading instruction techniques and materials in seven mother-tongue languages and English, while simultaneously building a culture of reading in the school, home and community.

 READ II is supporting the MOE and Regional State Education Bureaus (RSEBs) in their efforts to strengthen the ability of Colleges of Teacher Education (CTEs) to better prepare future educators. As part of the READ II Project, EDC is writing and producing 20 interactive audio instruction (IAI) programs to support the upgrading of English language speaking and listening skills for students and instructors at the CTEs. The IAI programs include songs, activities, dramas, and dialogues. In order to write and produce these programs, EDC is collaborating with the Center for Educational Information & Communication Technology (CEICT).

 Consultancy Summary:

READ II is looking for upto five composers and/or musicians to produce five (5) songs of various genres for the IAI programs. One of those songs will be used as the “theme song” and thus divided into an “intro” and an “outro”. The other four are going to target specific program objectives and are going to be used throughout the 20 IAI programs. Lyrics for each song is going to be provided by READ II team.

 The composer will work closely with READ II staff to produce these songs. The singer must speak English as they will be singing English lyrics. Not all songs are to be produced by a single musician. All songs and all audio files produced during this process should be original works of the musician.

 Essential functions include, but are not limited to the following:

 The composer/musician(s) will:

  • Compose, record, and create theoriginal melody with vocals and a single instrument for five songs.
  • Record and mix the final five songs with full instrumentation
  • Develop five Karaoke(no vocals) mix of the final versions
  • Record and mix five acoustic version of the songs
  • Develop five Karaokemix of the acoustic versions
  • Period of Performance:  Nov 25 – Dec 20, 2019

Licence and ownership 

  • All songs and all audio files produced during this process will be property of READ II project

Job Requirements

Candidates will be selected based on:

  • Attractiveness and catchiness of the voice and melody
  • Professional production level of the sample songs provided
  • Ability to sing in clear, well pronounced and understandable English
  • Reasonable and affordability of the quote provided

How to Apply

To apply, candidates should submit the following: 

Brief biography of the musician(s) that are going to create/compose the original song  Sample selection of previous works (albums, songs, live performances)

Quote (estimated price to finish the product in the specified time)

 Deadline for application submission is November 22, 2019  at 5pm Ethiopia Time at [email protected].

 Candidates with proven experience in producing songs/albums will be given preference. Only candidates who are invited for an interview will be contacted. No phone calls, please.

 Women are highly encouraged to apply.

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