Lebanon: Chief Field Relief & Social Services ProgrammeBeirut, Lebanon 345 views

UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Closing Date : 2019-11-21
Duty Station : Beirut, Lebanon
See all 32 jobs in Beirut, Lebanon
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Organization: UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East
Country: Lebanon
Closing date: 21 Nov 2019

Manages and supervises the Agency s Relief and Social Services Programme in the Field to which he/she is assigned in compliance with UNRWA’s overall policies; develops, administers, and monitors the programme s activities; approves the annual work plan, recommends the budget and controls the Programme s financial and other resources; advises on the Agency s Relief and Social Services activities and proposes changes to policies;

Assesses priorities of disadvantaged refugees in the Field and evaluates appropriateness and effectiveness of the Programme s services; proposes areas of intervention, including implementation methods and related activities to meet refugees needs; guides the process of project development through recommending projects and supervising the implementation of projects;

Supervises the Relief and Social Services sub-programmes, including the Social Safety Net Programme (SSNP); controls the eligibility for admission to the sub-programmes and approves various forms of social assistance;

Approves eligibility for registration; supervises maintenance of refugees records and family files, and preparation of related statistics;

Guides the Programme s human resources and provides needs based technical training;

Conducts surveys; plans and supervises emergency programmes as and when necessary;

Co-ordinates on multi-sectoral activities with the Agency s other Programme Departments; liaises and co-ordinates activities with other UN agencies, private institutions, and governmental and non-governmental organizations involved in providing relief and social services to the refugee community in the field of operation; briefs delegations representing donor governments, NGOs and media on RSS services;

Serves as a member of the Field Contracts Committee, Field Property Survey Board and the Micro-credit Community Support Programme (MCSP) Loan Approving Committee;

Performs such other duties as may be assigned.

How to apply:

To start the application process, applicants are required to register at http://jobs.unrwa.orgby creating a personal profile, cover letter and completing UNRWA Personal History Form. Only applications received through http://jobs.unrwa.orgwill be considered. Due to the large number of applications received for UNRWA vacancies, only applicants short-listed for interview will be contacted. Please ensure that the e-mail address that you will indicate in your Personal History Profile is accurate, candidates shortlisted for test or/and interview will only be contacted by e-mail. No follow up phone calls will be made.

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