Provincial Coordinator 42 views0 applications 332 views

SaveAct seeks to appoint Provincial Coordinators to be based in KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape

The Provincial Coordinators will oversee and supervise Regional Coordinators of SaveAct operations and work with partners implementing the SaveAct programme.

The candidates should be capable managers and trainers, able to learn and apply specific methodologies and content areas, including: financial education modules, savings methodology, enterprise development, and a ‘last mile’ social enterprise. These are mid to senior management positions that require capable, self-motivated, methodical and well-organised managers with an eye for detail, and a hands-on approach to the supervision of teams working in the field. Mature, responsible persons, with the skills to establish and maintain a professional work culture and strong work ethic are required.

To succeed in this role, you should have strong organisational, training, administration, communication and reporting skills. You will supervise Regional Coordinators, each overseeing a team in their regions, to deliver integrated programme results. Your role is to develop and maintain high levels of organizational efficiency, communication and coordination in an effective, productive and creative work environment.


  • Knowledge of gender, social and economic sectors and how these intersect with poor and marginalised groups in underdeveloped regions
  • Knowledge of local languages and norms
  • A critical, analytic perspective taking cognisance of assets and capabilities of staff and communities
  • Strong reporting ability and appreciation of monitoring and evaluation tools and systems
  • Proven work experience as a project manager and supervisor
  • Content knowledge of savings methodology is an advantage
  • An ability to collaboratively develop work plans and prepare schedules and step-by-step activity plans
  • Solid organizational skills and teamwork skills
  • A driver’s license
  • Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Office, including Excel.

 These are one-year, renewable contracts. Interested persons may apply by email by 30 November 2019 to: [email protected]. A covering letter, motivating your suitability, three references with contact details and your CV, are requested.

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  • Job City KwaZulu-Natal ,Eastern Cape

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