Call for Mediterranean Migration Experts 342 views

Call for Mediterranean Migration Experts

  • Added Date: Tuesday, 31 October 2017
  • Deadline Date: Saturday, 30 November 2019
  • Organization: International Centre for Migration Policy Development
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    ICMPD is seeking qualified Short-Term Experts with experience on migration related topics, and working knowledge of the Euro-Mediterranean region. ICMPD has been engaged in supporting stronger migration governance and management in the Mediterranean and Southern Neighbourhood since 2006. ICMPD advocates a nationally owned, sustainable and balanced approach to migration in the region. Accordingly, ICMPD aims at promoting, supporting, and capitalising on efforts at a regional, national, and local level. ICMPD is operationally present in several key hubs in the Mediterranean, with a Regional Coordination Office based in Malta, and field offices in Amman, Beirut, and Tunis. The following initiatives are being implemented from these locations, on several areas of migration:

    Ongoing Regional Activities (implemented by the Regional Coordination Office):

    • EUROMED Migration IV (EMM4) – (2016-2019)
    • Mediterranean City-to City-Migration (MC2CM) – (2015-2018)

    Ongoing ICMPD implemented National Activities in the region:

    • Lebanon: Enhanced Capability for Integrated Border management in Lebanon (IBM Lebanon Phase 2); (2016-2018)
    • Jordan: Support to the Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (JEMPAS) – (2016-2018)
    • Libya: Support to rights-based migration management and asylum system in Libya (2017-2020)
    • Tunisia: Support Programme to Integrated Border Management in Tunisia (2015-2017)

    In order to be responsive to national stakeholder’s needs ICMPD is currently seeing experts to support these goals, with technical expertise in the following areas:

    • Migration and Development
    • Irregular Migration
    • Regular Migration
    • International Protection and Asylum
    • Migration Governance
    • Migration data analysis
    • Communication on migration

    ICMPD is looking for the following functional profiles:

    • Meeting Facilitator/Moderator;

    Requirements: Experience in public speaking, inter-institutional coordination of governmental bodies, and working knowledge of the regional context.

    • Researcher/Policy Analyst;

    Requirements: Published author, well connected with regional research institutions

    • Trainer/Coach.

    Expert Assignments

    The role of the Experts is to deliver discreet outputs that are aligned with pre-defined priorities of national authorities. In general outputs can be categorised as either: research, training or facilitation (in this context facilitation implies organizing coordination meetings, and basic knowledge management support).

    Expert Profile

    • Migration specific expertise (practical and/or academic knowledge) in one or more of the technical areas mentioned above;
    • Experience in working with government counterparts;
    • Excellent oral and written French or Arabic, with a strong working knowledge of English (primary working language of ICMPD);
    • Experience and expertise in the Mediterranean region;
    • Experts should be available for short- or mid-term assignments including at a relatively short notice (within 3 weeks of receipt of a request).

    Collaborative process between expert and initiative

    ICMPD will contact the Expert with proposed terms of reference, deliverable timeline, and payment rate and schedule. Daily rates will be proposed based on a location adjusted, and seniority based grid. Subsequently pursuant to an agreement a special service agreement will be issued, to which the aforementioned documents will be integral. At the end of each activity, experts will complete a report outlining the results and achievements of the overall action, highlighting challenges and opportunities for further programme improvement. The relevant team will evaluate the expert on the basis of an evaluation grid.

    Payment will be disbursed upon receipt by ICMPD of a timesheet (standard format will be provided in the special service agreement) and an accompanying invoice, both documents must be approved by the ICMPD Project Officer who initiated the agreement, and payment schedules will be on a monthly basis. Maximum contract duration to be issued is 6 months. Pursuant to the language of the agreement travel costs may or may not be borne by ICMPD. Final ownership of all products of the experts work will be ICMPD’s, unless specifically negotiated otherwise.

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